fy"> The history of literature knows a lot of names who was engaged in study of folk fairy tales. However there are still a great number of aspects in literary tale to study. Fairy tales, a part of nursery education, were viewed as instructional primers for children. Firstly it should be mentioned that the tale which has an author to has a lot of features in common with folk tale but still there are some differences such as concept of time, place and the system of character.
If speak about that differences it should be noted the time when the fairy tales developed. When the main ideas of Enlightenment was over the age of romanticism took place. The main aspects of the age of Enlightenment was nous and morality. But at the beginning of nineteenth century the authors became developed which were more proper and prudent for bourgeois audiences. They tried to lay in tales goodness and vitality of the childish imagination, an imagination that all should possess. s why the system of character, their main roles, the aspects of time and place changed. The connotation of time and place differed. There could any place be magic and fantastic as well as the object could acquire meaning of enchanting.authors gave their heroes individuality. There are lot of descriptions of detailed appearance and particular nature. The main differences between the hero of traditional and original tales are that he could developed and hesitate. In contrast the hero had the permanent characteristic. It was also the sign of original tales.
Speaking about John Ruskin and his tale The King of the Golden River it is possible to say this tale composites the main features of such genres as Enlightenment and romanticism. The boy is similar to the enlightenment hero but it isn t so. He just contains some conceptions of the heroes of previous genre. To be honest that features can be found in such a distinctive way because this tale belongs to the period of time being at the turn of worldviews.cut the long story sort it should be said that English tales of the Golden age of children s literature has its own characteristics and differences which make it popular among children and adults as well.
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