Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Підсистема обліку роботи автотранспорту

Реферат Підсистема обліку роботи автотранспорту

er: TObject);, Range, Cell1, Cell2, ArrayData, Sl: Variant;, BeginRow, j: integer;, ColCount, K1, K2, Ras1, Ras2: Integer;, Per2: Extended;, DataZ, VremyaV, VremyaZ: TDateTime;, NPL, Marka, GN, Taks, PM, PN, T, M, Vod, NVod, Z,, D, P1, P2, R1, R2, G1, G2, Otm, VR1, VR2, OO, F: String; Form1.ADOTable1. Modified then.ADOTable1. Post;. ADOTable10. Active: = False;. ADOTable10. Filtered: = False; RadioButton1. Checked = True then.ADOTable10. Filter: = 'Код =' +. ADOTable1. FieldByName ('Код'). AsString; RadioButton2. Checked = True then.ADOTable10. Filter: = 'Д_виезда =' + (DateTimePicker1. Date); RadioButton3. Checked = True then.ADOTable10. Filter: = '№>' + (StrToInt (Edit1. Text) - 1) + 'and № <' + (StrToInt (Edit2. Text) +1); RadioButton4. Checked = True then.ADOTable10. Filter: = 'Д_виезда>' + (DateTimePicker2. Date-1) + 'and Д_заезда <' + (DateTimePicker3. Date +1);. ADOTable10. Filtered: = True;. ADOTable10. Active: = True; not Form1.ADOTable10. Eof do. Active: = False;. Filtered: = False;. Filter: = 'код =' +. ADOTable10. Fields [34]. AsString;. Filtered: = True;. Active: = True;: = ADOTable1. Fields [23]. AsString; F = '2 'then: = Form1.ADOTable10. Fields [10]. AsString;: = Form1.ADOTable10. Fields [14]. AsString;: = Form1.ADOTable10. Fields [16]. AsString;: = 'C: Program Files URA putevoy.xlt';: = 1;: = 13;: = Form1.ADOTable10. RecordCount;: = Form1.ADOTable10. FieldDefs. Count;: = CreateOleObject ('Excel. Application');. Application. EnableEvents: = false;: = ExcelApp. WorkBooks. Add (ShFile);: = VarArrayCreate ([1, RowCount, 1, ColCount], varVariant);: = WorkBook. WorkSheets [2]. Cells [18,105];. Value: = Vod;: = WorkBook. WorkSheets [2]. Cells [19,158];. Value: = D;: = WorkBook. WorkSheets [2]. Cells [35,166];. Value: = Taks;. Worksheets. Item [2]. PrintOut;. DisplayAlerts: = False;. Quit;; F = '1 'then: = Form1.ADOTable10. Fields [16]. AsString;: = 'C: Program Files URA putevoy.xlt';: = 1;: = 13;: = Form1.ADOTable10. RecordCount;: = Form1.ADOTable10. FieldDefs. Count;: = CreateOleObject ('Excel. Application');. Application. EnableEvents: = false;: = ExcelApp. WorkBooks. Add (ShFile);: = VarArrayCreate ([1, RowCount, 1, ColCount], varVariant);: = WorkBook. WorkSheets [6]. Cells [38,11];// таксувальник. Value: = Taks;. Worksheets. Item [6]. PrintOut;. DisplayAlerts: = False;// відрубати Excel. Quit;;. ADOTable10. Next;;; TForm7. Button3Click (Sender: TObject);, Range, Cell1, Cell2, ArrayData, Sl: Variant;, BeginRow, j: integer;, ColCount, K1, K2, Ras1, Ras2: Integer;, Per2: Extended;, DataZ, VremyaV, VremyaZ: TDateTime;, NPL, Marka, GN, Taks, PM, PN, T, M, Vod, NVod, Z,, D, P1, P2, R1, R2, G1, G2, Otm, VR1, VR2, OO, F: String; Form1.ADOTable1. Modified then.ADOTable1. Post;. ADOTable10. Active: = False;. ADOTable10. Filtered: = False; RadioButton1. C...

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