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Реферат National parks in the USA

nge for administrators-but National Park System Chief of Public Affairs David Barna says the top priority is clear. [6]

4. Types of the National Parks

reserves are areas of land in a predominantly untouched, natural condition which have high conservation value. Their primary purpose is to protect and conserve their outstanding, unique or representative ecosystems, native plant and animal species or natural phenomena.research is an important objective in nature reserves, as it increases our understanding of their values ​​and provides the information needed to conserve them . reserves have few visitor facilities, such as picnic areas, lookouts and walking tracks, and visitation is carefully managed to minimise disturbance.

State conservation areas

State conservation areas are lands reserved to protect and conserve significant or representative ecosystems, landforms, natural phenomena or places of cultural significance, while providing opportunities for sustainable visitation, enjoyment, use of buildings and research.principal difference between the management, objectives and principles of national parks and state conservation areas is that mineral and petroleum exploration and mining may be permitted in state conservation areas.reviews of state conservation areas have been completed in 2008 and 2011.

What is karst?

Karst landscapes are named after the great limestone Karst Plateau in Slovenia. These landscapes are formed from rock that dissolves in water, such as limestone, dolomite or chalk.vast lengths of time, water erodes crevices in the rock, forming deep vertical gorges. Streams disappear underground, trickling into cracks to eventually hollow out underground caverns. As water drips and seeps over cave walls it leaves calcium carbonate deposits behind, in the form of stalactites, stalagmites, columns and shawls.the surface above, depressions (called dolines) are gouged out of the landscape - some of them very deep and wide . Exposed limestone beds are sculpted into sharp-edged grooves, flutes and pits called karren. [21]

Karst conservation reserves in NSW

Karst conservation reserves are outstanding cave areas that offer unique experiences with their spectacular beauty and stunning surroundings. There are four in New South Wales: Jenolan, Wombeyan, Borenore and Abercrombie.diverse cave systems offer unique experiences with their beauty and spectacular surroundings. They're all found in the rich countryside bordering the western side of the Blue Mountains. You can spend a day at one of the caves, or take a few days on the round-trip 'four cave tour'. Guided and self-guided tours will open your eyes to the stunning and distinctive formations in each cave system. For th...

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