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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

h this approach, the focus of attention is the formation of metaphorical meaning within phrases and sentences. At the heart of the mechanism of metaphor formation they see a categorical shift. Metaphor offers a new distribution of items into categories and then abandon it. The essence of metaphor is a transposition of identifying the (descriptive and semantic, diffuse) vocabulary designed to indicate the object of speech, the scope of predicates, intended to indicate its characteristics and properties. the metaphor the distant relationships between concepts are established. Named interaction theory [12; 192]. Metaphor has two different subjects-main and auxiliary (A. Richards calls them В«tenorВ» and В«vehicleВ»). According to Black the mechanism of metaphor is that the subject is attached to the main system of associated implications related to the subsidiary subject. ND Arutyunov sees metaphorisation as the essence of establishing a permanent trait characterized by the subject [3; 535]. However, as pointed out by B. Shannon - representative of the third approach, "in reality, the metaphorical meaning is a result of the interaction relationships between the elements." Thus, it becomes evident the need to launch investigations beyond the syntactic structure, as the metaphorical sense, and with its help the reader or listener encounters the speech is much more complicated and is affected much more factors than the two-term metaphorical construction of syntactic semantics. Thus, the third approach can be functional-communicative, which is further subdivided into a pragmatic and cognitive theory. The basic position of the first lies in the fact that the metaphor does not arise in the semantic field of language but in the process of language use in speech. The scope of speech metaphors is not a clause but rather a verbal expression, that is full understanding of metaphor arises only in a specific act of communication (eg: A mountain road is a snake; A mountain road is a tree-in experiment is a real communicative context can be perceived as metaphor and absurd claim. But in the real context of both examples can function as a metaphor) [9; 194]. theory is a prolongation of the pragmatic. At the heart of it lies a provision, according to which in mind, there are deep structural relations between groups of concepts, that allow to structure one concept in terms of others. This is an important theoretical position also supported by the historical study of language (the original anthropomorphic nature of human consciousness, which determined the formation of relations between the concepts of identity that relate to different areas of reality), and psychophysiological studies (a common property of all living creatures represent the external world as the image of its internal state, the ability to model using certain co...

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