acter necessitated the development of a unified state system of civil protection of population and territories on the basis of sustainable development of society and modern management principles anthropogenic and natural security. One of the priorities of the safe life of Ukrainian society is to increase the level of precautionary policy on civil protection of population and territories from emergency situations. Modern scientific and methodological approaches and experience of developed countries shows that an effective model of such protection should be based on risk management of emergency situations of technogenic and natural character. Application of quantitative methods to assess technological and natural risks is one of the strategic directions to achieve an acceptable level of state security for the population, environment and objects of the economy.a result of an emergency or natural emergencies (and generally any origin) can form an ecological emergency situation when a particular area the populations can be either clearly impossible (as occurred after the Chernobyl accident), or to require restrictions.the current legislation of Ukraine on the ecological state of emergency adopts the President of Ukraine upon the submission of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.noted, humanity is not guaranteed by the probability of emergencies, both natural and manmade, but every individual and society as a whole have the right to protection of life, health and property in the event of their occurrence.main component of protection against emergencies is maintaining proper technological safety of fixed assets, reliable manufacturing and industry, etc .. composite systems of population and territories from emergency situations include:
? network surveillance environment and operation of high-risk, reliability buildings, engineering structures and communications;
? PPE population;
? means for responding to emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters;
? information-analytical system for decision support in emergency situations and during emergency response;
? stock material and technical resources for implementation of priority activities during emergencies.of the most important tasks for the prevention of disasters is to establish and maintain the network performance observations. Timely detection of emergency allows to take proactive measures for which an emergency or not completely prevent or significantly minimize its negative effects. br/>
1. Safety/Ed. Ya Bedriya - Lviv: Publishing company "Bill", 1998. p align="justify">. Law of Ukraine "On the emergency services." p align="justify">. Law of Ukraine "On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of technogenic and natural character." p align=...