uction of achievements of scientific and technical progress, that includes perfection, rational combination and co-operation of all elements of labour - instruments and articles of labour and labour force. With the increase of technical armed and level of mechanization of productive processes, with the improvement of organization of production of expense of direct-labour on unit of the landed area and head of cattle grow short. Increase of the labour productivity, and thus, and on 70-75% predetermined efficiency of production by the achievements of technical progress, part of organizational factors presents a 25-30%, increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production it takes place in the conditions of deepening of specialization and strengthening of concentration of production on the basis of between economic cooperation and agroindustrial integration.In the specialized enterprises and the level of profitability of agricultural production, that provides translation of economies on complete self-finance, depends on their specialization and concrete terms of manage.concentration of production renders substantial influence on his efficiency. With her increase more important economic indicators of economic activity of enterprises grow due to the positive action of factor of scales of production. An economy is arrived at, in particular, on permanent charges (permanent charges, say, on a grain-growing combine for the areas of sowing of grain-growing 300 hectare will be twice less on the hectare of collective area, than for the areas of their sowing 150 hectare), specific capital investments diminish, higher maneuverability of material resources is arrived at efficiency of their use grows due to it, the labour productivity and profitability of production rise.the increase of level of concentration of production renders positive influence on an economy only to the certain limit, a transition for that results in the decline of efficiency. The process of management of operations becomes in superfluously large enterprises complicated, transport charges grow, control gets worse after quality of implementation of works and observance of technology. The counteractive factor of excessive concentration are ecological requirements. Especially it touches large stock-raising complexes that render negative influence on an environment. Therefore important is a problem of achievement of optimal level of concentration of production, the decision of that in an eventual account is taken to determination of rational sizes of agrarian enterprises of different specialization taking into account their legal status and home zonal features., The considered concentration of production on the essence is a resource concentration, as mainly taken to concentrating of resources on the same enterprises. Except a resource, for a market economy there is a characteristic and economic concentration.
3.2 Introduction of complex mechanization and progressive technologies of production of agricultural goods
of agriculture in future will take place on the basis of successive intensification. In this connection the main condition of development of productive forces of agrarian sector of economy is the wide applying in industry of achievements of scientific and technical progress.separate periods of development of agriculture priority were different directions of intensive development of production. It is perfection of agricultural technique, land-reclamation of earth, increase of application of mineral and organic fertilizers, expansion of high quality sowing of cultures, improvement of pedigree composition of productive cattle and bird. Today the separate from these factors do not have such value, as before, other became basis of intensification of agricultural production.the modern stage basic directions of intensification of agriculture are such: complex mechanization and computer-aided manufacturing, chimes of plant-grower and stock-raising, development of agricultural land-reclamations, organizationally-economic measures (specialization and concentration of production, introduction of progressive forms of organization and remuneration of labour), deployment of achievements of science and front-rank experience.of complex mechanization and computer-aided manufacturing envisage creation of the high-performance and perfect systems of machines taking into account the features of industries of agriculture. The special value is acquired by upgrading and reliability of agricultural technique that is basis of high efficiency of her use.the process of intensification of agriculture the use of the most modern systems of machines and equipment, capable considerably to promote the labour productivity and efficiency of production, is envisaged. In the agricultural enterprises of country on handworks in a plant-grower and stock-raising busy sufficiently many workers of thes...