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Реферат Manual for doing an educational research

because it can influence teacher s methods.

. Rating error, can happen if a researcher can not identify what is of great importance for the study and what is which actions are not relevant at all.

. Observer contamination happens if a researcher has some specific knowledge before which can influence the whole procedure. For example a researcher wants to evaluate the work of English language teachers in several schools. But if he or she knows before that this teacher is better and the other one is one of the worst, then the quality of observation will be different based on this unreliable information.

. Observer drift and reliability decay can happen mostly to the researcher s assistances of observation. If the procedure lasts longer than a week or so, they can forget their main target and concentrate on different issues. In order to avoid it, it is better to organize some refreshing meeting with these people.process of observation in qualitative research differs from the same in quantitative. First, in the qualitative study it is allowed for a researcher to express his own feelings, emotions and knowledge on the topic, to be less objective. Second, the target of observation in qualitative research is more flexible and can be switched if a new more interesting issue is found out. Third, the observation itself is wider and covers more details. The observer in qualitative study can be either complete observer only or even a complete participant.if the there is no other way, the observation can be made when participants are unaware of the study. In some cases a researcher can ask a teacher for permission to observe students or maybe students can be informed that one day during this week or month some observation will be done, but without identifying the date.

Nonexperimental research studies

Some of the educational studies are called nonexperimental, and can be done either through descriptive or casual-comparative designs. Descriptive research is very important in educational sciences and can be adequately used both in qualitative and quantitative studies. The main question of descriptive research is What is ...? and then a researcher tries to give good explanation of the issue. Making a descriptive study, the researcher has to follow the usual procedure: identify the problem, research hypothesis and questions, choose sample, make data collection and then analyze them.researcher should always remember that sometimes there are two kinds of variable: independent and dependent . Suppose somebody hypotheses that introduction of flexible curriculum will increase students

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