* 2) + j) ^, 1);
{Print window} textattr: = $ 1b; window (x, y, x + widgth-1, y + height-1);; window (1,1,80,25); gotoxy (x + (widgth- length (message)) div 2, y +1); write (message); (x, y); write (# 201); for i: = 1 to round ((widgth-length (STR [mode]) -2 )/2) do (# 205); write (STR [mode]); for i: = 1 to (widgth-length (STR [mode]) -2) div 2 do (# 205); write (# 187) ; i: = 1 to height-2 do (x, y + i); write (# 186); gotoxy (x + widgth-1, y + i); write (# 186);; (x, y + height -1); write (# 200); i: = 1 to widgth-2 do Write (# 205); write (# 188);
{Making dark area}: = $ 08; for i: = 1 to height-1 dok: = 0 to 1 do move (j, ptr (segb800, 80 * 2 * (y-1 + i) + (x + k) * 2 + widgth * 2-1) ^, 1); i: = 1 to widgth do move (j, ptr (segb800, 80 * 2 * (y + height-1) + (x +1) * 2 + i * 2-1) ^, 1);: = true; case mode of
: t = true then textattr: = $ 3f else textattr: = $ 07; (x +3, y +3); write (Button1); if t = false then textattr: = $ 3f else textattr: = $ 07; (x + widgth-3-length (Button2), y +3); write (Button2);: = readkey; case ord (c) of 75: t: = true; 77: t: = false; end; (ord (c) = 13) or (ord (c) = 27) or (ord (c) = 32); ord (c) = 27 then t: = false; end;
: textattr: = $ 3b; (Widgth div 2 + x-length (Button3) div 2, height div 2 +1 + y); write (Button3);: = readkey; until (ord (c) = 27 ) or (ord (c) = 13) or (ord (c) = 32);; {Print old window} i: = 0 to height do for j: = 0 to (widgth +2) * 2-1 do ( ptr (seg (p ^), ofs (p ^) + i * ((widgth +2) * 2) + j) ^, ptr (segb800, 80 * 2 * (y + i-1) + x * 2 + j-2) ^, 1); (p); man: Record_Base; var flag, l: boolean);
const = 'Будь ласка, введіть інформацію';: pointer; i, j, k: integer; c: char; oldmaxx, oldmaxy, oldminx, oldminy: integer;, cur2: byte; str: string;: = lo ( windmax) +1; oldmaxy: = hi (windmax) +1;: = lo (windmin) +1; oldminy: = hi (windmin) +1; ah, 03h10hcur1, chcur2, cl; (1,1,80,25 ); getmem (p, (height +1) * (widgth +2) * 2);
{Save window} for i: = 0 to height do for j: = 0 to (widgth +2) * 2-1 do (ptr (segb800, 80 * 2 * (y + i-1) + x * 2-2 + j) ^, ptr (seg (p ^), ofs (p ^) + i * ((widgth +2) * 2) + j) ^, 1);
{Print window}: = $ 1b; window (x, y, x + widgth-1, y + height-1);; window (1,1,80,25); gotoxy (x, y); write (# 201); i: = 1 to round ((widgth-length (STRin) -2)/2) do Write (# 205); (STRin); for i: = 1 to (widgth-length (STRin) -2) div 2 do (# 205); write (# 187); i: = 1 to height-2 do begin gotoxy (x, y + i); write (# 186); (x + widgth-1, y + i); write (# 186); end; (x, y + height-1); write (# 200); for i: = 1 to widgth-2 do Write (# 205); (# 188); { Making dark area} j: = $ 08; i: = 1 to height-1 do for k: = 0 to 1 do (j, ptr (segb800, 80 * 2 * (y-1 + i) + (x + k) * 2 + widgth * 2-1) ^, 1); i: = 1 to widgth do move (j, ptr (segb800, 80 * 2 * (y + height-1) + (x +1) * 2 + i * 2-1) ^, 1); i: = 1 to 12 do (x +3, y + i); write (MENU2_S [i]); end; (mode = 1) or (mode = 2) then with man do textat...