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Реферат Role plays

written character. The proposal includes an explanation of the game rules, and technology of operations. Explanation of the game is a very responsible moment. The game should be explained briefly and accurately immediately before the start of In the explanation there is the name of the game, the story of its content, and an explanation of the primary and secondary rules, including the distinction of playing, the explanation of the value of game accessories, etc. [33, c. 28] to devide the class into groups. and how to distribute roles between the players Game collective is usually called collective of children, created for the games As we know, there are games that do not require division into groups, and team games Dividing the collective requires compliance with ethics, accounting, affections , sympathies, antipathies

The development of a game situation Under such development, we understand the change of position players, the complexity of the rules of the game, change the situation, an emotion-filled game action, etc. The players socially active as long as none of them did not know until the end all manners of action and carry out their functional tasks in the game. That is the mechanism for providing interest and enjoyment of the game. [34, c. 5-12]

The basic principles of the game:

В· The lack of any form of coercion in engaging students in the game.

В· The principles of game dynamics

В· The principles of maintaining the game atmosphere (keeping the real sense).

В· The principles of the relationship game and non-game activities. For teachers it is important to transfer point in the main game action in the real life experiences of students.

В· The principles of the transition from simple games to complex gaming forms. The logic of the transition from simple to complex games is associated with the gradual deepening of the diverse content of games and rules - of the game state to game situations, from imitation to the gaming initiative from the local game - a game-complexes from the age of games - to irrevocable "eternal"

Summing up - the result is fed immediately after the game This may be scoring, identification of students who met playing better job, the definition of thewinner team, etc. It should be noted achievements of each student, to emphasize the successes behind.should keep the structural elements during a game. Since it is with their help we solve teaching problems. Game objectives, actions, rules, game results are interrelated, and the absence of at least one of these components is violating its integrity, reduces educational impact. [35, c.55]

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