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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Role plays

Реферат Role plays

fy"> The relationship between students and teacher are not determined by the situation, but the play. Students and teachers are members of one game .. In case this condition is violated, the teacher takes the path of direct instruction. p align="justify"> Thus, the didactic game is a game only for student, for an adult it is a way of learning The purpose of didactic games - to facilitate the transition to the educational goals, make it gradual. From the above it is possible to formulate the basic functions of teaching games:

function of a sustainable interest in learning and stress relief;

The formation of psychic growth;

function of formation of training activities

function of formation of skills, experience of self work

function of developing skills of self-control and self-esteem;

function of forming relationships and developing appropriate social roles.

Thus, didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon.

To organize and conduct educational games, we need the following conditions:

the presence of a teacher's specific knowledge and skills about teaching games;

Expressiveness of the game;

The need to include teachers in the game;

An optimal combination of entertainment and learning;

means and ways to improve students 'emotional attitude to the game, must be seen not as an end in itself but as a path leading to the fulfillment of teaching objectives;

used in the didactic game visual aid should be simple, accessible and capacious

The presence of a didactic nature of the problem emphasizes learning character of the game, the orientation of its content on the development of cognitive activity. In contrast to the direct formulation of the problem in the classroom in a didactic game as it arises and the student of the game problem The importance of educational games is that it promotes self-sufficiency.is necessary to teach gaming activities. Only under this condition, the game takes on a training character and becomes meaningful. Training of the is performed through a trial course of the game. p align="justify"> Successful management of didactic games, above all, provides for the selection of their program content, a clear definition of objectives, definition of the role and place in the whole educational process, interaction with other games and forms of learning. [36, c. 2-25]

Didactic games as a form of training is conductedduring the lesson It is important to establish the right balance between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process Didactic games sometimes preceded b...

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