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Реферат Англійська мова в непрофільному ВУЗі

ержаніе урокаI. Організаційна частьЕтап 1. Привітання. Цілепокладання Мета: налаштувати уч-ся на роботу, створити робочу атмосферу. Прийоми: вітання, вступне слово, роздача дидактичного матеріалаТ: Ladies and gentlemen! I m glad to meet you at our business meeting. First of all I want you to pass me your letters applying for the job on the disks. Thank you! Етап 2. Фонетична зарядка Мета: налаштувати артикуляційний апарат, підготувати студентів до мовного акту Прийоми: проговаріваніеT: Before we start I want you to brush up your phonetics. Т: Look at the blackboard and read the words: [i:] means, receiver, beeping signal, oversee, free service, toll-free [ai] dial, directory, dial tone, line, be obliged, find out [n] give a ring, long distance call, hang up, beepingЕтап 3. Мовна зарядка Мета: підготовка студентів до мовного акту Прийоми: фронтальна беседаDo you know any sayings about business? Time is money. Experience is the best teacher. Business before pleasure. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. Everybody s business is nobody s business. A proper way to think of business is in terms of service.II. Основна частьЕтап 4. Асоціації Мета: розвиток монологічного мовлення Прийоми: колективна робота, парна робота T: Today we ll discuss the telephone conversation. Write down in your exercise books the word Telephone. Find 3 words-associations with this word. Compare your words with the list of your neighbors. Add the words in your list. Let us make a scheme of your associations. Швидко складаємо схему Word-Web на дошці, обговорюємо. You know some facts about a telephone. Let s talk about a telephone and business. Does it help in business? Етап 5. Аудіювання з метою добування конкретної інформації Мета: вдосконалення навичок аудіювання та аналізу почутого Прийоми: прослуховування тексту, монологічне висловлювання T: At our lesson we spoke about the telephone and the telephone conversation. T: Now, please, listen to the text and answer my question-what are your successive actions if you want to call your friend from a phone both? The telephone is a necessary means of communication in every day life and in business. If for instance, you want to telephone your friend (or call 11, ring him, give him a ring), you dial his phone number which can be found in the directory. If it is a long-distance call, you may have to ask the operator to connect you. The phone will ring, and if your friend is at home he will answer by picking up the receiver. If he is busy he may ask you to call back later. If he doesn t want to speak to you, he may hang up if he is already on the phone when you call him, his num-engaged (busy - AE) and you can t get through. A telephone in a public place is a phone box (booth) or pay phone. To place a local call, pick up the receiver. You will hear a constant (dial tone). Deposit the coins into the slot. When you have deposited the correct amount of charge, you will hear a short beeping signal. When the constant tone returns, dial the number you wish to reach. Ss: If you want to place a local call, you should pick up the receiver. You will hear a constant (dial tone). Then deposit the coins into the slot. When you have deposited the correct amount of charge, you will hear a short beeping signal. When the constant tone returns, dial the number you wish to reach.Етап 6. Аудіювання з розумінням основного змісту Мета: вдосконалення навичок аудіювання, розвиток усного зв'язного мовлення Прийоми: прослуховування тексту, вправи на розуміння T: At the lessons we spoke about different kinds of telephone conversations. Listen to the text about telephone calls in the USA. In the USA numerous telephone numbers - mostly related to businesses or governmental offices - are prefixed by 800 numbers. These numbers provide free customer service because many companies are interested in getting new customers. If you dial an 800 number, your party will pay the bill. Such calls are toll-free calls. To place an emergency telephone call (ambulance, police, fire), dial 911 or 0. These are also toll-free calls. Pay phones have numbers in the United States. If you want, anyone can call you at a phone booth. In the USA an office worker, or a clerk, at a bank, hotel or any other institution after picking up a receiver first identifies the institution and then starts talking with a customer. T: Let s check if you ve understood everything. If you agree with me-clap your hands. If you disagree-step you feet. In the USA telephone numbers related to busi...

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