patientimage below demonstrates the list of patients. The list contains of patients who was registered in this hospital. Other organizations can not create a medical card for this patient.
3.3.6 Getting all patients who registered in the organization
3.3.7 Creating medical card
. 3.4 Realizing requests from patients. Treating activitiesrequest list below is a patient request who wants this organization surveys him. After survey, the patient can close this access for the organization. This is one of the new features of the system.
3.3.8 List of request from patients
page below is the case when a doctor opened patient s medical card. There are three functions which differentiate from the case when patient opens his medical card.
3.3.9 Medical card when doctor opened
figure below is creating a new illness in patient medical card. In order to complete this action a doctor has to add at least one existing appointment from the appointment drop down list. In addition to this a doctor can add some feedbacks as well as appoint some medicines. However it is optional activities.
3.3.10 Making diagnosis for patient
figure below is creating a new reference in patient medical card. In order to complete this action a doctor also has to add at least one existing appointment from the appointment drop down list. In addition to this a doctor can add some feedbacks as well as upload necessary image eg cardio image and so on. However they are optional activities.last figure below is creating a new appointment in patient medical card. While creating a new appointment doctor also can add some feedbacks.
3.3.11 Creating a reference for patient
3.3.12 Creating a new appointment
. 1 Selection and justification of the methods of calculating cost-effectiveness
of economic efficiency of an IT project is an essential part of its feasibility study. In general, there are three main groups of methods to determine the effect of the introduction: financial, qualitative and probabilistic. Each method, financial or non-financial, has its disadvantages. It is clear that automation is a delicate process and not in every business process we can estimate the effect of financial component. That is why in order to more fully illustrate the final effect of the introduction of IT systems we are forced to use the methods of non-financial analysis, in addition to financing methods. The usage of all three groups of the methods eventually lead us to the correct assessment of the effectiveness of IT systems [9]. The most frequently used three basic financial methods for determining IT investment:
- NPV (net present value)
- IRR (internal rate of return)
- Payback period
We will calculate calculation of indicators of economic efficiency based on the payback period of development because information technology will not improve itself the position of organization in the market and do not provide a direct economic benefit.
4.2Calculation of economic efficiency of the project
of the IT system affects the final financial and economic performance of health center directly across the technology. IT provides the management staff with new technologies instead of improving the market position of organization. The efficiency of their use depends on how good the possibility of IT technology to the business opportunities of organization.effectiveness of introduction of automated information system is caused by the influence of factors of various informational, economic and organizational characters.efficiency factor is expressed in raising awareness of staff ie fast access to the information resources.economic factor is manifested in the fact that accounting information having full and timely reflection and the state of the object and the factors influencing its development ultimately aims to improve the utilization of productive resources.effect is manifested in the release of employees from routine operations to organize and group credentials, numerous calculations and entries in the registers and other documentation, verification performance, thereby increasing the time to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of management decisions or something like that.automating complex tasks showed that in the process of automation of activities achieves reduction in complexity of individual operations, increase productivity and improv...