використовуються в конструкції з вступним займенником (головним чином за допомогою it) :
1) Could it be that what that soul thought . (111)
2) It had made him conscious how unjust, how cruel he had been to Sibyl Vane . (112)
3) Why is it that I cannot feel this tragedy as much as I want to ? (117)
4) It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner . (117)
5) It seems rather absurd that I shouldn't see my own work. (130)
6) It seemed to him that as the man left the room his eyes wandered in the direction of the screen. (137)
7) It was simply the impression that had altered . (139)
8) It seemed horrible to him that it was here the fatal portrait was to be hidden away . (141)
9) It would be more accurate to say that he never sought to free himself from it . (147)
10) But it appeared to Dorian Gray that the true nature of the senses had never been understood . (150)
2.3. Пропозиції описового типу . Ці пропозиції рідко використовуються в усному мовленні, але часто зустрічаються на листі. Як і лімітуючі і аппозитивную типи, цей вид пропозицій можна розглянути на підставі того, який саме член пропозиції він описує:
a) опис підлягає :
1) The son, who had been his father'secretary , had resigned along with his chief. (40) Придаткові частина " who had been his father'secretary " містить всього лише додаткову інформацію про підметі, тому може бути виключена з пропозиції, не створивши жодних серйозних змін у головному.
2) ... chuckled Sir Thomas, who had a large wardrobe of Humour's cast-off clothes . (48)
3) You, who know all the secrets of l ife, tell me how to charm Sibyl Vane to love me. (66)
4) ... exclaimed Lord Henry, who was scanning the occupants of the gallery through his opera-glass. (96)
5) The Jew manager, who was standing at the back of the dress-circle , stamped and swore with rage. (98)
6) ... Said Lord Henry, who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad's unconscious egotism. (117)
7) Even Harry, who was here , in fact, had no idea. (128) определительного придаткових частина " who was here" тільки лише доповнює і описує підмет "Harry". p> 8) ... answered the frame-maker, who was still gasping for breath . (143)
9) The hero, in whom the romantic and the scientific temperaments were so strangely blended , became to him a kind of prefiguring type of himself. (147)
10) There was Sir Henry Ashton, who had to leave England , with a tarnished name. (173)
11) There were many young men , who saw in Dorian Gray the true realisation of a type ... (149)
b) опис іменної частини складеного іменного присудка :
1) He was a marvellous type, too, this lad , whom by so curious a chance he had met in Basil's studio. (45)
2) Mr Hubbard was a florid, red-whiskered little man, whose admiration for art was considerably tempered by the inveterate impecuniosity of most of the artists ... (140)
It was a large, well-proportioned room, which had been specially built by the last Lord Kelso for the use of the little grandson. (141) У придаткових означальних реченнях визначається слово може використовуватися як з невизначеним артиклем, так і без нього.
c) опис доповнення :
1) She had discovered a wonderful young man, who was going to help her in the East End . (20)
2) The painter turned to his servant, who stood blinking in the sunlight. (21)
3) The lad hesitated, and looked over at Lord Henry , who was watching them from the tea-table with an amused smile. (38)
4) He was a hero to his valet , who bullied him , and a terror to most of his relations, whom he bullied in turn. (40)
5) I have travelled all over it, in cars provided by the directors, who , in such matters, are extremely civil. (49) додаткова визначальна частина "who , in such matters, are extremely civil " менш пов'язана з головним реченням, на відміну від лімітує виду.
6) He was played by the low-comedian, who had introduced gags of his own and was on most friendly terms with the pit. (61)
8) Sometimes this was the effect of art, and chiefly of the art of literature, which dealt immediately with the passions and the intellect. (69)
9) In spite of the obsequious protests of Mr. Hubbard, who had the true tradesman's spirited dislike of seeing a gentleman doing anything useful, Dorian put his han...