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Реферат Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

nherent in the two objects of the same class, therefore, not being figurative-expressive means, do not constitute an interest on this issue [13; 58]. seen from the examples, metaphor as a comparison, may consist of two components (the subject of comparison and the object of comparison). But in contrast to the comparison, metaphor excludes the predicates of similarity, as "like," recalls "and comparative conjunctions" if "," exact "," how, "as if", " as if "," smooth "and other. In comparison, the formation of the primary functions they perform, as the main feature of this trail., As one can that the relationship between metaphor and comparison, is much deeper than mere external display (shapes). Not for nothing metaphor is called a comparative trope. Also, if you compare the syntax of the function of metaphor and comparison, in the sentence, the metaphor, as a rule, acts as a predicate in a sentence, while the comparison may be a predicate member (unhappiness was like a hungry animal, as a reduced relative clause with lowered the predicate (she's as pretty as a picture and so on.so often metaphor and comparison are intertwined in a poetic speech, where the same semantic relationship has different specific expressions, which makes the metaphor one of the means that varies the notation (a mirror of water - a metaphor, the water like a mirror - a comparison)., these tropes interact in the case of mutual transformation, that is updated obliterated metaphor with its expansion into its constituent parts and conversion into a comparison (metaphor for "the dome of the sky" is transformed into a comparison of the "sky is dull and muffled, like the dome of the cathedral" (I. Bunin). Thus, unlike simile metaphor is more laconic [16 ; 107]. the source of the metaphor is simile: "And the rhyme I fancied blue among yellow cornflower - but the heart of all the dearest fairy tales, as in childhood, that rhyme my blue Widely noisy fields. Thus, the metaphor and simile are transitive.communication metaphors and similes are to detect not only when they express similar semantic relations, but also when they are in similar positions, and perform similar functions. When different items of the same type of speech acquire imagery of conformity, they can expressed not only by metaphor, but by simile as well., the metaphor is based on the simile, but differs from it in form, acting as a "covert comparison." However, their difference can not be reduced to a formal expression: since these two tropes tend to transit sometimes requiring a deep analysis in order to draw the line between metaphor and simile.

Similes and metaphors are often used in descriptive writing to create vivid sight and sound images, as in these two sentences.To prove this notion the study of few exaples is required:

Over my head the clouds thicken, then crack and split like a roar of cannonballs tumbling down a marble staircase; their...

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