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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Methods of teaching speech

Реферат Methods of teaching speech



Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of teaching speaking pupils of junior form

1.1 The most common difficulties in auding and speaking

1.2 Psychological characteristics of speech

1.3 Linguistic characteristics of speech

1.4 Prepared and unprepared speech

1.5. Mistakes and how to correct them

Chapter II. Speaking in teaching practice

2.1 Speech and oral exercises

2.2 Techniques the teacher uses to develop hearing . p> 2.3 Techniques the teacher uses for teaching speaking


List of literature




Our work is devoted to the method of teaching the speech. But for the beginning let's examine what is speech.

Language came into life as a means of communication. It exists and is alive only through speech. When we speak about teaching a foreign language, we first of all have in mind teaching it as a means of communication.

In teaching speech the teacher has to cope with two tasks. They are: to teach his pupils to understand the foreign language and to teach them to speak the language. So, speech is a bilateral process. It includes hearing, on the one hand, and speaking, on the other. When we say "hearing" we mean auding or listening and comprehension.

Speaking exists in two forms: dialogue and monologue.

The aim of our work is:

1. to observe the speech as a bilateral process;

2. to give the basic notions of the speech;

3. to make an examples of exercises in of speaking and hearing.

Practical value of this paper is determined by the fact that the developed material and proper tasks and exercises make available the use of this work as a manual in teaching a foreign language at classroom or as a given homework, or as a useful material for elective additional courses of foreign language at school.

The paper consists of introduction and two chapters followed by conclusion. The first chapter is about the most common difficulties in auding and speaking a foreign language. Also it consists of psychological and linguistic characteristics of the speech. Further we find differences between prepared and unprepared speech and in this chapter we learn to find mistakes of pupils and how to correct them. In the second chapter are given the exercises, which help the teachers to obtain results in teaching speech.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of teaching speaking pupils of junior form


1.1 The most common difficulties in auding and speaking

Auding or listening and comprehension are difficult for learners because they should discriminate speech sounds quickly, retain them while hearing a word, a phrase, or a sentence and recognize this as a sense unit. Pupils can easily and naturally do this in their own language and they cannot do this in a foreign language when they start learning the language. Pupils are very slow in grasping what they hear because they are conscious of the linguistic forms they perceive by the ear. This results in misunderstanding or a complete failure of understanding. p> When auding a foreign language pupils should be very attentive and think hard. They should strain their memory and will power to keep the sequence of sounds they hear and to decode it. Not all the pupils can cope with the difficulties entailed. The teacher should help them by making this work easier and more interesting. This is possible on condition that he will take into consideration the following three main factors which can ensure success in developing pupils 'skills in auding: (1) linguistic material for auding, (2) the content of the material suggested for listening and comprehension, (3) conditions in which the material is presented. p> 1. Comprehension of the text by the ear can be ensured when the teacher uses the material which has already been assimilated by pupils. However this does not completely eliminate the difficulties in auding. Pupils need practice in listening and comprehension in the target language to be able to overcome three kinds of difficulties: phonetic, lexical, and grammatical. [4]

Phonetic difficulties appear because the phonic system of English and Russian differ greatly. The hearer often interprets the sounds of a foreign language as if they were of his own language which usually results in misunderstanding. The following opposites present much trouble to beginners in learning English:

О? - s tr - TЖ’ A - o s - z a: - o

О? - f dr - Dg d - z t - tЖ’ o: - Й™:

w - v d - V n - rj ae - e


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