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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

in these branches. Prisoners between the USA and Canada. As a whole export from Canada of raw materials and semi-finished products much more exceeds import of the ready production that sharply distinguishes it from the majority of the developed capitalist countries. Features of a geographical position and historical developments of Canada predetermined orientation of its foreign trade to two countries: USA, as next capacious sales market of raw materials and semi-finished products, and Great Britain, as former mother country and main consumer agricultural products, and also some types of the industrial raw materials. However within the last decades a ratio of these the foreign trade partners of Canada sharply changed. Despite the traditional communications of Canada with the former mother country, on its membership in the British Commonwealth and existence of a mode of preferences, the country it was «fastened» to economy of the USA, and in earlier unprecedented degree. So, if to the II the world wars the share of the USA in foreign trade of Canada made fifty percent and was comparable with share of Great Britain, nowadays it reaches seventy percent. On scales of external economic relations from the USA, Canada doesn't know to itself equal in the world. It wins first place in import of the USA. As reflection of position of Canada in trade of the USA can serve and that import of many Canadian goods is carried out under special bilateral agreements about duty-free trade. And some types of raw materials and fuel take out from Canada to the USA on limited quotas, besides the USA, Canada develops trade with other partners, especially with the countries of «Common market» and Japan. The share of the last steadily increases. Canada has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation. For the last fifteen years Canada expanded the foreign economic relations with Russia and other countries of Europe.trade partners:

. USA,

. Great Britain,

. Japan,

. Germany.

17. Internal distinctions

colonization of extensive territories of Canada in the past, and also variety of climatic conditions of this country caused «focal» nature of territorial development of its productive forces.Therefore in it are accurately allocated:

1) advanced areas of old development;

2) areas of new development;

3) territories low-mastered.of old development are located in the south of the country, being stretched from coast of Atlantic through Priozerye and steppe provinces to the Pacific Ocean. Thus political and economic «weather» becomes in two central provinces - Ontario and Quebec. Ontario - the most Canadian province of Canada, «stronghold» of English-Canadian. Here positions of the Canadian national bourgeoisie conducting competitive fight against the capital of the USA are especially strong. The Province of Quebec - only in the country where the vast majority of inhabitants is made by French-Canadian. Within this industrial kernel the largest industrial centers - Montreal and Toronto are located. The majority of French-Canadian here each other relatives, though very distant, but remembering the relationship Development of areas of new development first of all is connected with development of the ri...

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