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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Обробка металів лещатах

Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

chest natural resources. At last, in Canada there are many territories which practically yet haven't been involved in economic circulation. It first of all the North-West Territories of the Arctic - the most remote and severe parts on climate countries.

. Customs and traditions of nationalities of Canada


. Charles Roberts - the Anglo-Canadian poet and the writer-naturalist, the native of New Brunswick. Together with well-known Ernest Seton-Thompson based a literary genre which in Canada consider as a national contribution of the country in the world literature, a genre «stories about animals». Action of many books of Roberts happens in the woods of New Brunswick.

. Voyazhera. In the USA - cowboys, at us are Cossacks, in Canada - voyazher. These are specific characters of the Canadian history which has played an important role in research and initial development of the country. Voyazhera - Canadians, natives of the French Quebec, fearless adventurers. As a rule, they were in the peace and friendly relations with Indians. Now the image of a voyazher became a romantic symbol of early history of Canada, fearlessness, thirst for adventures, indefatigability associate with it in work. Voyazher are played even by the French-Canadian children.

. Royal geographer. The oldest city of Canada, Quebec based in one thousand six hundred eighth Samyuel de Shamplen - the French traveler and the statesman who has received in one thousand six hundred first a title «the royal geographer». It the first of Europeans passed up down the river Sacred Lavrenti to the Great Lakes, investigated their coast and Guronov concluded the alliance with an Indian tribe. Since one thousand six hundred sixty ninth - the governor general Nova Frantsii.

19. National holidays

Year - the first of January.Day - the second Monday in October. - the Good Friday and the first Monday after Easter. - the eleventh of November.of Canada - the first of July.of Christmas gifts - the twenty sixth of December.

20. Literature

1. Big Soviet Encyclopedia, volume No. 11, edition 3

. NG Kuznetsov, GG Nesterov «Economic geography».

. Encyclopedia «Avanta +», volume «Countries. People. Civilizations ».

. Yu.N.Gladky. SBLavrov «Economic and social geography of the world».

. Kirill and Mefodiy's big encyclopedia.

. Tcherkasov AI «Many-sided Canada»

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