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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

developed. The machine-tool construction has a poor development. The main centers of mechanical engineering - Toronto, Montreal, Windsor, Hamilton, Ottawa, Halifax, Vancouver. Production in the ferrous metallurgy being in hands of the national capital was stabilized. The leading metallurgical centers are in Priozerye - Hamilton, Welland, Sault Sainte Marie, and as on the Atlantic coasts of the city of Sydnee. In nonferrous metallurgy positions of the American and English capitals are strong. Smelting of non-ferrous metals - especially copper, nickel and aluminum - reached large volumes. Into number of the largest world centers entered: Sudbury, Thompson, Sullivan, Kitimat and Port-Kolborn. The majority of the enterprises works at local raw materials. On import raw materials large aluminum production is created. Canada has the developed oil-processing industry. The major centers are in Montreal, Sarnia, Vancouver and Edmonton. The chemical industry is presented by plants on production of products of the main chemistry, high-polymeric connections, chemical fertilizers, synthetic rubber. On production of mineral fertilizers the country takes the fourth place in the world.Timber and paper industry. The timber and paper industry uses the richest forest resources. On wood preparation Canada takes the fifth place, on production of timber and papers - the third place in the world. Even more considerably a country role in export on export of timber and papers Canada - the world leader. The two third bumazhno - cellulose production are in the east, near hydroelectric power station on Sacred Lavrenti »s river. Large timber and paper combines settle down as in a taiga zone in the north of Steppe provinces and, especially in British Columbia where it is concentrated the two third sawing industry.

. External economic connections

is among the leading trade states of the world. On a turn of foreign trade it takes the sixth place in the world, and on a turn per capita advances all other large capitalist countries. It testifies to high extent of its integration in system of the world capitalist economy, and also about its narrower specialization economy in comparison with the leading capitalist countries. There is enough to tell that in products of Canada it is exported, and in the such branches, as pulp and paper industry, sawmilling and the allyuminevy industry, volume of export exceeds a volume half productions. The structure of foreign trade reflects specifics of economy. On the one hand large volume of a trade turnover is observed, wide nomenclature of export and import. And on the other hand the very high for the developed capitalist country a share of raw materials and semi-finished products in export. On traditional classification, in group of raw materials usually joins all food, together with semi-finished products it is the share of this groupapproximately two third costs of export. At the same time in export a low share annual products, especially production with high degree of an obrabotannost-cars, industrial equipment. Thus it must be kept in mind that export of some type of cars and the equipment is impossible with good reason to consider as export of finished goods, as considerable part of trade in to this commodity group it is connected with mutual deliveries of details and knots cars and agricultural cars on special and «integration» to agreements...

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