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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » China Airlines as a complex system

Реферат China Airlines as a complex system

marketing department.the solving the problem of obtaining a sustainable profit, service marketing variable key components of the aviation market - the frequency of flights, their distribution by season and by time of day, the structure of commercial loading rates and benefits, as well as network airlines.Service is designed to ensure compliance with traffic demand and the possibility of its satisfaction. If demand for transportation begins to fall, marketers need to find out the causes and take appropriate measures to address them. These measures may include: improving the company's image, improving service quality, review tariff structure, making more convenient for customers of schedule. Bringing offered capacities in line with demand can be achieved by reducing the frequency of flights, reducing the number of seats offered per week on this line and even suspend flights on certain routes.important aspect of improving the competitiveness of airline transportation market is the impact of marketing on their own production and financing to improve sustainable earnings. This effect is done using special software modernization:

Improvement of air transport infrastructure;

Improvement of commercial services;

Improvement of personnel training;

Improving sales system of transportation;

Improving the organizational structure of the airline.marketing function also provides better coordination of all units airline, to the latter worked as a unified system of aviation. The disadvantage of the existing control system is that it operates not as an integral system, and as the sum of individual actions hierarchical divisions, each with its own purpose, sometimes conflicting goals of adjacent units. For example, a commercial service may interest income, but do not apply to expenditure as financial services, in contrast, is occupied only budget; summer service, delivery service, ground service may have their task not only targets associated airline. The company, which has levers such as air transport, system prices and sales system, must find an optimal combination of these funds to influence the market in order to ensure its development and success in competition with other airlines.role is played by commercial service that performs the following functions:

Attraction of passengers and freight customers on flights and controls the sale of passenger and freight traffic through representative agents and airlines;

Development and conduction activities to improve the cost-effectiveness of existing international lines and on opening new ones;

Controlling the maximum usage of the capacity ability of freight aircraft and conduction activities to improve economic load aircraft;

Studying the market conditions of international transport...

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