and demand for passenger and cargo transportation and developing future plans for development of a network of China Airlines ;
Coordination and monitoring the business airline offices abroad;
Supervising and implementation measures to expand the network of agents for the sale of the flights;
Providing payments to foreign airlines, companies and other organizations for received and services providing;
Controlling of reported missions on the sold develop the Objective Tree it will have the following presentation:
It is obvious, that the main aim of this airline ( China Airlines ), and any other is to obtain the final profit. But along with the fact there are a number of other, less tangible goals that ultimately lead to the achievement of the first. All other sub goals (and there may be many) are under the influence of main aim. These include, for example, the desire to provide the most comfortable airline service, to be the safest airline, to offer qualitative and most delicious food in air passengers, charity, etc.situation of the airline (one of the main aims) has changed . The Revenue of China Airlines up to 2010 was NTD138, 140 million; Net income - NTD15, 000 million. Up to 2012 situation has been changed and revenue has grown up to 13 percent.the conclusion, it is evident that the complex system of China Airlines provides a lot of activities concerning the suitable airline functioning and development of air transportation system of Ukraine in general. The Objective Tree describes the set and interrelations between main activities of the company.
this course paper I have got the practical skills of a systematic approach to the analysis of the transport company. On example of "China Airlines" I have proved that the hauler is a complex system which consists of subsystems and components that are closely interrelated. I have gave the examples of subsystems, have indicated a relationship between them, and between the external environment.include description of the airline as a system with different characteristics, analyzes of the structure of the system and its components, main activities of the company, identification of the main goals and objectives of the airlines, pointing out methods how to achieve them.the analysis of "China Airlines", using the theory of SA we practicaly conclude that it is one of the leading airlines in the market of aviation services...