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Реферат Community formation as a key practice of the Ukrainian baptist communities

e as a big challenge for many people. However, precisely this decision will be a manifestation of loving and forgiving community. This type of faith communities sees their offenders as precious people. Consequently, these communities decide to think thoughts of positive evaluation. They are trying to feel loving and valuing toward others. The members of such communities want to move closer in trust, in openness, in acceptance toward their offenders. Finally, the forgiving communities act to manifest God s love for all people through their service, support, expression, speech, and touch. In the same time, as Augsburger analyses, the forgiving love can be possible only if all of these elements are exercised in responding positively toward the other once more. would suggest that all seeing, thinking, feeling, wanting, and acting with an attitude of respect and valuing of others, even if they are our offenders, reflects on fundamental position of God s image in each human being. She points that every person has his or her dignity which can not be undermined ... by wrongdoing. Augsburger would agree saying, I am irreducibly valuable simply because, and only because I am I. You are irreducibly valuable solely because, and wholly because you are you ... I, you, we are irreducible in value, for we are created in the image of God. view of the above considerations, I would like to discuss the issue of the Christian counselling. As it was said before, our sharing is risky adventure which involves us in making ourselves vulnerable before other people. Consequently, this openness toward others can bring a lot of pain in our hearts. It is journey with many steps which should be made for the true forgiveness and the restoration of broken relationships. Therefore, from my point of view, the Christian counselling is an important issue which we should consider in this context. In the same time, according to my own observation, it is not really new idea, but still not very spread among the Baptist communities in Ukrainian context. However, I think that sometimes people need to receive some help from others to continue the way toward forgiveness. Therefore, my suggestion for the Ukrainian faith communities is to pay to this idea a special attention; and to work, particularly, on the projects of creating the centers of Christian counselling, which could bring to people a real help and support. It should be that places where people could come and share their fears, problems with a counsellor, and ask for the advice. Here I also would like to mention that already there are some projects and programs in the sphere of Christian counselling in Ukrainian Baptist context. Nevertheless, further development and expansion of this ministry could bring some refreshment in the spiritual journey of Ukrainian Baptist faith communities., Someone can ask, Is forgiveness always possible? There are many situations where forgiveness would seem as impossible act toward an offender. There are two answers on this question. One is No in case if people are left to themselves. Another answer is Yes if people have help and support from God. Wadell points that we as Christians are never left to ourselves because our forgiveness is rooted neither in our own goodness nor our own power nut in the absolute goodness and powerful mercy of God. Then he continues saying, We forgive because we live from the forgiveness of an absolutely forgiving God, and because God s mercy constantly supplies what is lacking in our own. It is our confidence in God s unending mercy that enables us to reach out to others and forgive. To forgive means the participation in God s power. Consequently, forgiveness should become the language of our life as a Christian community, which will cultivate the forgiving heart.the idea of ??the Christian counselling, I would like also to suggest for the church leaders to teach, to preach, and to spend more time explaining people what the real forgiveness means. Forgiveness should be a heart of our Christian testimony, because to forgive others is to grant them the power to take up life again. It is to free them from the imprisonment of shame and guilt so they can reconnect to life in hope. All of us must be able to do this. We need ... the possibility of picking up the pieces and starting over. Isn t this what Christianity is all about? Isn t it the religion of second chances and new beginnings? And shouldn t Christians, as people who know we live from mercy, extend that same gracious mercy to others? Therefore, let no hurt, pain or anguish to become the final word in the life of faith communities.


In the end of this investigation, I would like again to put stress on the significance of the practice of community formation in the life of faith communities in Ukrainian Baptist context. From my point of view, it should be a core...

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