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> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Розробка Web-додатки на CMS Joomla &Рок-музика&

Реферат Розробка Web-додатки на CMS Joomla &Рок-музика&

aults={degrees: 0}; var options=$. extend (defaults, options); return this.each (function () {var obj=this; var deg=options.degrees; var deg2radians=Math.PI * 2/360; var rad=deg * deg2radians; var costheta=Math.cos (rad); var sintheta =Math.sin (rad); var a=parseFloat (costheta) .toFixed (8); var c=parseFloat (-sintheta) .toFixed (8); var b=parseFloat (sintheta) .toFixed (8); var d =parseFloat (costheta) .toFixed (8); var matrix=«matrix (« + a + »,« + b + »,« + c + »,« + d + », 0, 0);"; if (obj.filters) {obj.style.filter=«progid: DXImageTransform. Microsoft. Matrix (sizingMethod= auto expand );»; obj.filters.item (0) .M11=costheta; obj.filters.item (0) .M12 =-sintheta; obj.filters.item (0) .M21=sintheta; obj.filters.item (0) .M22=costheta} else {obj.setAttribute («style», «position: absolute; - moz-transform: «+ matrix +»; - webkit-transform: «+ matrix +»; - o-transform: «+ matrix +» »)}})}})}) (jQuery); ( #ribbon span ). easyRotate ({ degrees: 45});

* Accordion Script

*/(document) .ready (function () {jQuery ( .moduletable-panelmenu ul ul ). hide (); var cookieValue=jQuery.cookie ( menuCookie ) | | raquo ;; jQuery ( .moduletable-panelmenu ul gt; li gt; span ). each (function (index) {var $ this=jQuery (this), $ checkElement=$ this.next ( ul ); if (cookieValue.indexOf (bigIndex (index)) gt; - 1) {$ checkElement.show ()} $ this.click (function () {if ($ checkElement.is (: hidden ) ) {$ checkElement.slideDown («fast»); cookieValue=cookieValue + bigIndex (index); jQuery.cookie ( menuCookie raquo ;, cookieValue)} else {$ checkElement.slideUp (); cookieValue=cookieValue.replace (bigIndex ( index), ); jQuery.cookie ( menuCookie raquo ;, cookieValue)}})}); jQuery ( button ). click (function () {jQuery.cookie ( menuCookie raquo ;, laquo ; raquo ;, {expires: - 1}); jQuery ( .moduletable-panelmenu gt; li ul ). hide (); showCookie ()})}); function bigIndex (inival) {return inival lt; 10? 0 + inival + - : + inival + - }

/* -

* JQuery Cookie

* /. cookie=function (name, value, options) {if (typeof value!= undefined ) {options=options || {}; if (value === null) {value= raquo ;; options.expires=- 1} var expires= raquo ;; if (options.expires amp; amp; (typeof options.expires == number || options.expires.toUTCString)) {var date; if (typeof options.expires == number ) {date=new Date (); date.setTime (date.getTime () + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))} else {date=options.expires} expires= laquo ;; expires= + date.toUTCString ()} var path=options.path? laquo ;; path= + (options.path): raquo ;; var domain=options.domain? laquo ;; domain= + (options.domain): raquo ;; var secure=options.secure? laquo ;; secure : raquo ;; document.cookie=[name, = raquo ;, encodeURIComponent (value), expires, path, domain, secure] .join ( )} else {var cookieValue=null; if (document.cookie amp; amp; document.cookie!= ) {var cookies=document.cookie.split ( laquo ;; ); for (var i=0; i lt; cookies.length; i ++) {var cookie=jQuery.trim (cookies [i]); if (cookie.substring (0, name.length + 1) == (name + =)) {cookieValue=decodeURIComponent (cookie.substring (name.length + 1)); break}}} return cookieValue}};

/* -

* JQuery Superfish


; (function ($) {$ .fn.superfish=function (op) {var sf=$. fn.superfish, c=sf.c, $ arrow=$ ([' lt; span gt;


* Supersubs v0.2b - jQuery plugin

* Copyright (c) 2008 Joel Birch


* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:

*: //opensource/licenses/mit-license.php

*: //gnu/licenses/gpl.html



* This plugin automatically adjusts submenu widths of suckerfish-style menus to that of

* their longest list item children. If you use this, please expect bugs and report them

* to the jQuery Google Group with the word Superfish in the subject line.



; (function ($) {$ .fn.supersubs=function (options) {var opts=$. extend ({}, $. fn.supersubs.defaults, options); return this.each (function () {var $$ =$ (this); var o=$. meta? $. extend ({}, opts, $$. data ()): opts; var fontsize=$ ( lt; li id ??= «menu-fontsize»gt;amp;#8212;lt;/ligt;raquo;).css({laquo;paddingraquo;:0,laquo;positionraquo;:laquo;absoluteraquo;, top : - 999em raquo ;, laquo;widthraquo;:laquo;autoraquo;}).appendTo($$).width();$(laquo;#menu-fontsizeraquo;).remove();$ULs=$$.find(laquo;ulraquo;);$ULs.each (function (i) {var $ ul=$ ULs.eq (i); var $ LIs=$ ulildren (); var $ As=...

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