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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Форми і функції повторів у діалогічному дискурсі

Реферат Форми і функції повторів у діалогічному дискурсі

tters? I say. Ha! my-soul-bless-my-soul! I should think so, indeed! [Collins, W. The Woman in White].

131. Is four golden guineas a week nothing? My-soul-bless-my-soul! only give it to me - and my boots shall creak like the golden Papa's, with a sense of the overpowering richness of the man who walks in them! [Collins, W. The Woman in White].

132. My-soul-bless-my-soul! cried the Professor, in a state of the extremest bewilderment. What on earth is the matter?

133. А. Look here, there must be some peculiar sorts of tea and bitter a bit, yes, exactly.- Б. Bitter a bit, yes and very strong.- А. Yes, and very strong with milk [Hemingway, The old man and the sea].

134. A. Will you have a drink?- Б. A drink? I never drink alcohol.- A. Ok, I will take it myself [Hemingway, The old man and the sea].

135. А.There is no light in the hall.- Б. In the hall? There is light in the hall but it is switched off at times [Hemingway, The old man and the sea].

136. A. I do not want to go there.- B. I know and that is why I do not want you to go there.- A. I will not go there.- B. If you go, it is only for a little while and then you will come back [Hemingway, The old man and the sea].

137. (A. - Passenger, B. - Driver). A. Will you stop here?- B. Here, yes? [Shaw, 56].

138. А. When will you come to tea to me?-Б. Today.- А.Today, yes ?.

139. (A. The customer. B. The flower girl). В. The shop is still closed.- А. Is still closed, yes? (Passing away). [Shaw, 73].

140. (A. Мother, B. Evie). A. You are so damned unromentic, Evie.- B. Unromantic, yes? Yes, I know it, mom [Maugham, 156].

141. A. Do we have anything left?- B. Anything left ?! Only odds and adds - that is what we have for our stew [Jerome, 75].

142. А. Look here, there must be some peculiar sorts of tea and bitter a bit, yes, exactly.- Б. Bitter a bit, yes and very strong.- А. Yes, and very strong with milk [Hemingway, 145].

143. A. Will you have a drink?- Б. A drink? I never drink alcohol.- A. Ok, I will take it myself [Hemingway, 187].

144. А.There is no light in the hall.- Б. In the hall? There is light in the hall but it is switched off at times [Hemingway, 264].

145. A. I do not want to go there.- B. I know and that is why I do not want you to go there.- A. I will not go there.- B. If you go, it is only for a little while and then you will come back [Hemingway, 324].

146. А. She has always lived with difficulties, problems - it was always hard time.- Б. (Buts in) No, but the matter is ... - А. (Buts in again) She is not afraid of problems! - Б. Not afraid? [Dreiser, 215].

147. А. Where are you going? The entrance is in that direction.- Б. In that direction?- А.Yes [Dreiser, 321]. Dreiser, T. Sister Carrie. М .: АСТ, 2002. - 530 p.

148. Everyone s going to be invited to the party, and there s going to be presents, mark you, presents for all - this very month as is.

149. I would go everywhere raquo ;, he said. I would go in a little public bus with the common people, go in local restaurants ... (The Australian, 26.06.2008).

150.-" The caller reported two people were dead and a third was seriously injured, but the call then dropped out and police were unable to contact the pilot on his satellite phone.

151.... It has been confirmed that two people on the light aircraft have not survived" (The Daily Telegraph, 14.02.2008).

152. 1) ln hopes of muting some of the criticism, Obama said this about the Bowles-Simpson suggestions: Before anybody starts shooting down proposals, I think we need to listen. We need to gather up all the facts. Raquo; (The Washington Post. 20.11.10).

153. But then there is a chance ... there is something to do. Nowadays what does it mean to be on the streets? To demonstrate? You swindle yourself. Anyway, that's not the way any more (The Washington Post. 20.11.10).

154. Fight your little fight, my boy,

155. Fight and be a man.

156. Do not be a good little, good little boy

157. being as good as you can

158. Do hold yourself together, and fight

159. with a hit-hit here and a hit-hit there,

160. and a comfortable feeling at night


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