(memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 16);
end ;; TForm1.SpeedButton28Click (Sender: TObject); (glob_check=true) then memo1.Text:= raquo ;;
memo1.Text:=memo1.Text + F raquo ;;
glob_check:=false ;; TForm1.SpeedButton21Click (Sender: TObject);
{if ((skob=true) or (b [t]=) )) then:=true;:=t + 1; [t]:=memo1.Text;.Text:=Rezul2 (t) ;; }:=strtozr (memo1.Text);:=sumzr (zn1, inttozr (1));
zn1:=multzr (inttozr (- 1), zn1) ;. Text:=zr_e (zrtostr (zn1));
glob_check:=true ;; TForm1.SpeedButton24Click (Sender: TObject);:=strtozr (memo1.Text);:=multzr (inttozr (- 1), zn1) ;. Text:=floattostr (zrtoreal (zn1) ); _ check:=true ;; TForm1.SpeedButton58Click (Sender: TObject) ;: string;:=memo1.Text; (st, length (st), 1) ;. Text:=st; memo1.Text= raquo ; then.Text:= 0 raquo ;; _ check:=true ;;; TForm1.N8Click (Sender: TObject);
begin ( Ну і що тут не зрозумілого );
end; TForm1.N5Click (Sender: TObject);
begin ( Що інженерного Мало );
end; TForm1.N2Click (Sender: TObject) ;. SetTextBuf (PChar (memo1.Text));//copy;TForm1.N3Click(Sender: TObject) ;. Text:=Clipboard.AsText;//paste_check:=true;;TForm1.SpeedButton22Click(Sender: TObject); meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DrtoDes (memo1.Text, 16);
end;:=t + 1; [t]:=memo1.Text; inv.Checked=false then [t]:= l [t]:= h raquo ;; (((b [ 2] lt; gt; 0 ) and ((b [1] lt; gt; + ) and (b [1] lt; gt; - )) and ((b [ t - 1] lt; gt; + ) and (b [t - 1] lt; gt; - ))) and (skob=false)) then.Text:=rezul (t -1); _ check:=true; meraisch of
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 2);
8: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 8);
: memo1.Text:=DesToDr (memo1.Text, 16);
end ;;.
//допоміжна формаUnit2 ;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms ,, Buttons, StdCtrls, CheckLst;=class (TForm): TSpeedButton ;: TSpeedButton ;: TSpeedButton ;: TSpeedButton ;: TListBox; SpeedButton1Click (Sender: TObject); Memo1KeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); FormCreate (Sender: TObject); FormActivate (Sender: TObject); FormClose (Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); SpeedButton3Click (Sender: TObject ); SpeedButton4Click (Sender: TObject); SpeedButton2Click (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations} ;: TForm2; Unit1;
{$ R * .dfm} TForm2.SpeedButton1Click (Sender: TObject) ;. SetFocus ;; TForm2.Memo1KeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);:=chr (0) ;; TForm2.FormCreate (Sender:TObject);.speedbutton52.Visible:=true;.speedbutton53.Visible:=true;.speedbutton54.Visible:=true;.speedbutton55.Visible:=true;;TForm2.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);.speedbutton52.Enabled:=true;.speedbutton53.Enabled:=true;.speedbutton54.Enabled:=true;.speedbutton55.Enabled:=true;;TForm2.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);.speedbutton52.Enabled:=false;.speedbutton53.Enabled:=false;.speedbutton54.Enabled:=false;.speedbutton55.Enabled:=false;;TForm2.SpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject) ;. Items.Delete (ListBox1.ItemIndex) ;; TForm2.SpeedButton4Click (Sender: TObject) ;. Items.Clear ;; TForm2.SpeedButton2Click (Sender: TObject); (ListBox1.ItemIndex=- 1) then ShowMessage ( laquo ; Ні чисел для добавленияraquo;).Memo1.Text:=ListBox1.Items.Strings[ListBox1.ItemIndex];_check:=true;;.
//Операції з мульти розрядно дійснімі числами типом RealzoomingRN;=array of Byte; =Record
R: Byte; {arithmetic range: binary (= 2), decimal (= 10), hexadecimal (= 16), and others}
E: Int64; {number exponent (index of power)}
U: Char; {Unary}
I: TZN; {Number - array of digits}
type=array of ZReal;
var: boolean=false;
ErrorZR: boolean=false ;: string= raquo ;;: Cardinal=32 ;: Cardinal=1000;: Int64=low (Int64) ;: Byte=5;: Boolean=False;= 1.0 Original for Delphi [Byte] raquo ;;=[ 0 .. 9 ]; =[ Laquo; + raquo ;, - ]; =[ Laquo; z raquo ;, Z ];=[ i raquo ;, I ];=[. Raquo ;, , ]; =[ Laquo; e raquo ;, E raquo ;, е raquo ;, Е ]; =10; =32; InfiniteZR (Un: Char): ZReal; HighDeciZR (const ZR: ZReal; out IsNearInf: Boolean): ZReal; Pi_ZR: ZReal; e_ZR: ZReal; IsInfinite (const ZR: ZReal): Boolean; TanhZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; CothZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; PowerZR (const ZR: ZReal; Power: ZReal): ZReal; Log2ZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; Log10ZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; LogNZR (const Base, ZR: ZReal): ZReal; CotanZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; CosZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; SinZR (const ZR: ZReal): ZReal; SinCosZR (const Theta: ZReal; out Sin , Cos: ZReal);,;=- 1..1;=Low (TMathValueSign);=0;=High (TMathValueSign); MathRandomRange (const AFrom, ATo: Integer): Integer; AFrom gt; ATo then:=Random (AFrom - ATo) + ATo:=Random (ATo - AFrom) + AFrom ;; IsIn9_10 (const ZR: ZReal):...