end/on weekend instead of at the weekend/at weekend.
8. on a street instead of in a street.
9. Different from or than instead of different to/from
10. Write is used with to or without the pretext.
11. Past participle of "got" is "Gotten"
12. To burn, to spoil and other verbs, which can be regular or
irregular in the British variant, in the American variant ALWAYS
13. Past Perfect, as a rule, is not used completely.
4) The training of practical application of the new knowledge should be given mainly in the form of listening/spoken exercises.
5) Homework (2-3 minutes)
A good kind of a homework for this particular lesson would be a task to compose a free-style topic in the British English language (about an A4 page in size) and then rewrite it in the American English; then discuss the lexical and grammatical differences between topics in class.
1. Hole, Christina. English traditional customs. London - Sydney, Batsford, 1975. br/>
2. Hogg, Garry. Customs and traditions of England. Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1971. br/>
3. Baker, Margaret. Folklore and customs of rural England. Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1974. br/>
4. Rabley, Stephen. Customs and traditions in Britain. Harlow (Essex), Longman, 1989. br/>
5. Murphy Raymond. English Grammar in Use. - Cambridge University Press, 1997. br/>
6. Швейцер А.Д. Американський варіант літературної англійської мови: шляхи формування і сучасний статус.// Питання мовознавства, 1995, № 6, стор 3-17. br/>
7. Підласий І.П. Педагогіка. т.1. Москва, Владос, 2001. br/>
8. Bowle, John. England: A portrait. London, Benn, 1966. br/>
9. Bryant, Arthur. A history of Britain and the British people. London, Collins, 1990. br/>
10. Clark, George. English history: A survey. London, Oxford univ. Press, 1971. br/>
1. Great Britain: General Facts ........................................................... 1
2. The History of Great Britain ............................................................ 1
2.1. Britain in the reign of Elizabeth ..................................................... 2
2.2. Britain in the seventeenth century ................................................... 3
2.3. Britain in the eighteenth century .................................................... 5
2.4. Britain in the nineteenth century .................................................... 6
2.5. Britain in the twentieth century ...................................................... 9
3. Culture of Great Britain ............................................................... 12
3.1. Cultural Life in Great Britain ...................................................... 12
3.2. Musical culture of Great Britain ................................................... 13
3.3. Art Galleries .......................................................................... 14
3.4. The British Theatre .................................................................. 15
4. The British Education ................................................................. 15
4.1. The British Schools .................................................................. 16
4.2. Universities and Colleges in Great Britain ....................................... 16
5.The Modern British Economy ......................................................... 17
6. The Modern British Industry .......................................................... 18
7. The Modern British Army ............................................................. 18
8. The Two Lessons ....................................................................... 20
8.1. "Customs and Traditions of Great Britain" ....................................... 20
8.2. "American English" .................................................................. 27
Bibliography ................................................................................ 32