Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

the repair, maintenance and debugging facilities, provides a significant expansion of the range instrument, equipment and adaptations. The transition to new technologies and accelerating technological modes of the equipment increases the quality requirements and increases the need for different types of energy. Complications of production processes and the deepening of internal relations between units increases the volume of work in transportation. Constantly increasing the load on the communication network. This significantly increases the role and importance of industrial infrastructure businesses. In modern conditions to achieve high technical and economic indices of production is impossible without sustainable development as a major manufacturing and industrial and social infrastructure. Therefore, the organization of the system infrastructure, occupies an important place, but requires considerable practical base. In modern conditions to achieve high technical and economic indices of production is impossible without sustainable development as a major manufacturing and industrial and social infrastructure. p align="justify"> List of references

1. Bauersoks DD, DD Kloss Logistics: integrated chain of deliveries/Per. with English. - Moscow: ZAO "Olymp-Business", 2001. - 640 sec. p align="justify">. Vasilkov VG Business organization: Teach. the user. - K.: MBK, 2003. - 524 sec. p align="justify">. Gerasymchuk VG Strategic enterprise management. Graphic design: Teach. the user. - K.: MBK, 2000. - 360 p. p align="justify">. Zheliby EP, Anopko DV, Buslyk VM, Ovramenko MA, LS Patrick, VP Pyrch Foun You technologies in economic sectors: educational. the user. - K.: Condor, 2005. - 716 sec. p align="justify">. Business Economics: Textbook/For common. yet. SF Pokropyvnoho. - Kind of. 2, revised. and add. - K.: MBK, 2001. - 528 p. p align="justify">. Economy: Structural and logical teach. guide/ed. Dr. Econ. Sciences, prof. SF Pokropyvnoho. - K.: MBK, 2001. - 457 sec. p align="justify">. Economic entsyklopekdiya. T. 1. - K.: Ternopil: VC "Academy" 2000. 864s. br/>

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