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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

tment can be made in two ways: contracting and commercial. Contracting method of construction - a work of permanent construction and assembly organizations (contractors) who perform work related to various customers under contract. In accordance with contract agreement contractor undertakes to do its own construction of the facility for the project in compliance with building codes. The customer must provide the contractor building site, approved project estimates, to ensure timely receipt of financing the construction and manufacturing equipment, and take the completed facility and fully pay the contractor for work done recently. To perform some complex operations contractor has the right to involve other specialized organizations for the subcontract. However, responsibility to the customer for quality and timely execution of all works is the main (general) contractor. [5, p. 294 - 257] Commercial construction method means the full range of works by the developer (enterprise, organization) on their own. In this case, the enterprise (organization) - developer acts as head of construction and the artist of construction works at the same time. To this end, it (she) creates during construction of the necessary apparatus and manufacturing capabilities, provides a temporary hiring of workers required and the involvement of the construction equipment.


of infrastructure significantly affects the economy of the enterprise. In modern terms in the maintenance of production in industrial enterprises operate from 40 to 50% of the industrial personnel. This is due not only relatively large amount of work to service primary production. Many support and service operations by their nature are difficult to mechanization and automation. Because of instability, irregularity and variety of these operations is difficult to plan, regulate and normalize. support typical single units and small-scale types of production with a significant amount of manual labor. Disintegration of support and service agencies and facilities, low level of specialization and centralization led to their backwardness in technology and work organization. Analysis of the economic activity of enterprises shows a significant gap in technical and organizational level between the main and auxiliary production. In support and service operations below the level of mechanization and automation, significantly higher share of manual labor that makes the infrastructure bottleneck in most domestic enterprises. of the main factors of production, which is part of the infrastructure of the enterprise is to ensure production of technological equipment and tool companies. Progress in the development of techniques and technologies of the main causes of changes need adequate industrial infrastructure businesses. Increased mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes increases the volume and complexity of...

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