. Airline provides a wide range of services: passenger and cargo handling, well qualified staffing, training and technical inspection, checking the technical condition of aircraft, charity, etc.have investigated main threats and unique advantages of this Airline. Main activities and functions of the company like a system are represented through the Objective Tree method.course paper has very important impact on the generalization and systematization of knowledge obtaining during studying the course Basics of System Theory and Management .
Printed materials:
. Yun G.M., Marinceva C.V. Basics of systems theory and systems analysis: Lecture course. - NAU, 2004. - 68 pages. p> 2.Mogilevsky V.D. Systems methodology. - M: ТР‹EconomicsТЛ, 1999. - 251 pages. p>. Surmin Y.P. Systems theory and systems analysis: Educational manual. - K.: MAUP, 2003. - 368 pages. p> Electronic resources:
1.http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Airlines # Change_of_logo_and_livery <.
. <.