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Реферат Criminal law

. If you start to burn out or feel drained, you know that you need to find a way to increase the amount of leisure time you have. If you aren t getting anywhere with your goals or projects, you know you need to take steps to become more productive when you are working.are really three parts to balancing work and leisure.first is simply to increase the quality of your activities. By working more productively, and spending your leisure time on truly relaxing or enjoyable activities, it is easier to find the time to do both satisfactorily.second part is to monitor and take control of your energy levels. When you begin to feel drained by a difficult problem at work, take breaks that will really help you take control of your energy levels. Taking proper physical care of your body through diet and exercise is the next step. With more energy, it is easier to increase the quality of our activities.third part is to ensure that one area of ??our life doesn t cannibalize the others. Because there is often a great deal of need and urgency attached to work, it is easy for it to eat away at the leisure time we need to function. In these cases it is often best to guarantee ourselves a certain amount of leisure time in advance.the balance between work and leisure can be difficult. Understanding that it is not only nice to achieve balance, but absolutely necessary for both our productivity and enjoyment is the first step. Hopefully you can now find your own balance between work and leisure.

The National Health Service in Great Britain. Structure and Organization

The National Health (NHS) was established throughout the United Kingdom on 5 July, 1948.services operate in England and Wales, in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but with-administrative difference.NHS provides 1free treatment for people ordinarily resident in Britain and gives emergency treatment for visitors.by general practitioners, dentists and ophthalmic practitioners are without charge to the patient and maintenance and treatment in hospitals are also free.there are 3charges for certain items, for example, for a course of dental treatment for an adult, for dentures and spectacles and for prescriptions., the NHS has suffered from shortages and financial deprivation ever since its inception in 1948. But the aim of the policy of the Conservative is to simplify administration of the NHS and to increase 16the pay for medical treatment. Besides some resent Government reports showed that average waiting times for hospital admission in the country as a whole meant that more patients had to face a delay of several months. In the Sheffield region, for example, patients with diseases of the digestive system averaged a 19 week wait. In the South Western region patients were waiting 41 weeks for varicose vein treatment. Since 1974 every prescription cost 20 pence, now it costs F 150. Exceptions are made only for several categories of patients, including children, expectant and nursing mothers, the elderly and those in financial need.greater part of the cost of the health service is met from general taxation (85%), and the rest from contributions paid as part of the national insurance contributions and heal charges for some items.Britain s population of 56 million it has been estimated that about 93% use the NHS. The NHS is the largest employer in the UК, employing more than 900 000 people. Yet, the capitalist structure of th...

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