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Реферат Criminal law

relate to people and society, and political correctness is a concern not to use language that might be perceived as offensive by particular members of society. Thus, the term people with learning difficulties was felt to be better than mentally handicapped and the phrase senior citizens was preferred to old age pensioners., Political correctness (also politically correct or PC) is a term used to describe language, or behavior, which is claimed to be calculated to provide a minimum of offense, particularly to the racial, cultural, or other identity groups being described. The concept is not exclusive to the English language. A text that conforms to the ideals of political correctness is said to be politically correct.term PC is sometimes used in a pejorative or ironic sense to satirise either the idea that carefully chosen language can encourage, promote, or establish certain social outcomes and relationships, or the belief that the resulting changes benefit society. This satire often comments on certain forms of identity politics, including gay rights, feminism, multiculturalism and the disability rights movement. For example, the use of «gender-neutral» job titles («lineworker» instead of «lineman,» «chairperson» or «chair» instead of «chairman,» etc.), the use of the expression «differently abled» rather than «disabled are all sometimes referred to as» politically correct «. 'PC terms are also applied to objects, such as »maintenance cover« instead of »manhole cover«. originated in American universities as a definition of a sensible movement aimed at eliminating racism, sexism and other prejudices in language. In the eighties there was an increasing awareness in the US that language should be used with care to avoid the notions of inequality. A lot of new terms appeared, e.g. Native Americans (instead of »Indians"), Afro Americans (instead of Black people) etc. But in its extreme form PC had led to the boycotting of certain teaches, the removal from a Us college of a Goya nude thought to represent sexual harassment and the renaming of flowers such as pansies because of possible offence to gay men. Thus, PC has come to seen by many as over-sensitive and the worst puritanical and repressive and it has been widely used in the nineties almost always ironically and pejoratively and is often ridiculed.are some topics which English people often use euphemisms for: the happy eventfall the back of a lorrygo to wash one s handsday of actionto be economical with the truthexpressions, introduced for PC reasons, have become part of standard English now. For example, a single parent is used instead of unmarried woman, сchildren with special needs rather than educationally subnormal children, a homemaker - housewife, a refuse collector - dustman (сміттяр), hearing-impaired-deaf (глухий).

Balancing Work and Leisure

many of you feel that you really should be working harder? At the same time, how many of you wish you had more time to have fun and enjoy yourself? How do you solve this paradox? This problem can be difficult. Sometimes really motivating goals and a tight schedule can leave us feeling burnt out and drained. On the other hand, spending most of your time on leisure and fun activities often means you don t end up getting anything done. It would be nice to live in a world where we only need to do what we want to do, but that isn t realistic.key is to have balance...

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