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Реферат Criminal law

e British society ensures that in health, as in every other field the wealthy cream of the privileges at the expense of the general public The inadequacies of the NHS, is the main reason for the phenomenal growth in members of patients treated under private medical schemes.

The NHS consists of 3 main parts: 10the general practitioner (including dental, pharmaceutical and ophthalmic services), the hospitals and specialist services, and a local health authority services (comprising a range of home and clinicalservices for 5prevention, 6treatment and 7care). The advantages and disadvantages of traveling; by plane, train, and car. <# «Justify"> In all, I would have to say I would rather spend a little extra and travel by plane. I like the fact it s going to get me to my destination faster than other ways of traveling. It will also be relaxing in the upper two classes of seating. I think my main purpose for choosing a flight is time. I m always in a rush, I don t know why, I just am.

Hospital and Specialist Services

hospital services include district general hospitals with treatment and diagnostic facilities for in-patients, day-patienls and out-patients, hospital maternity departments, 9infections disease units, psychiatric and geriatric facilities, and 13rehabilitation facilities, convalescent homes and all forms of specialized treatment.large proportion of the hospitals in the NHS were built in the XIX century, some trace their origin to much earlier charitable foundations, such as the famous St.Bartholomew «s and St.Thomas» hospital in London. Much has been done to improve and extend existing buildings and many new hospitals have been or are being opened. Government has reviewed the policy which involves the construction of excessively large hospitals and the risk of hospital services becoming too remote from the local communities.treatment is free for outpatients and inpatients. A NHS patient may receive good treatment and in all probability, he will share a general ward with many other patients, possibly as many as 30. There are also a number of pay-beds in which part-time specialists, taking part in the service , treat privately patients who had decided not to take advantage of the scheme. Such patients are charged for full hospital maintenance as well as for the specialist's fee.to-do people may still prefer to go to their doctor as private patients and in most large towns there are some private and financially independent hospitals known as nursing homes which are outside the NHS. The ratio of patient to doctor is very small in these hospitals and here the patient may choose which specialist or surgeon he will be treated by. The fees are usually very high indeed and only the rich can afford them.medical practice has increased by leaps and bounds in recent years. This is the verdict of a report commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Security published last month. If in 1955 some half a million persons were covered by private treatment schemes, now roughly 33/4 per cent of the total UK population resorts to private treatment.

Leisure Time

works hard only to have some leisure because man does not live by bread alone. So leisure may be called the spare time, free from labour and drudgery of life.and leisure are interrelated. They are like the two sides of the same coin. The ...

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