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Реферат Gender discourse in modern English and Russian belles-letters


The publicist functional style comprises the following sub styles:

а) the language style of oratory ;) the language style of essays;

с) the language style of feature articles in newspapers and journals.

The newspaper functional style falls into

а) the language style of brief news items and communiquйs ;) the language style of newspaper headings;

с) the language style of notices and advertisements.

The scientific prose functional style also has three divisions:

а) the language style of humanitarian sciences;

Ь) the language style of «exact» sciences;

с) the language style of popular scientific prose.

The official document functional style can be divided into four varieties:

а) the language style of diplomatic documents;

) the language style of business documents;

с) the language style of legal documents ;) the language style of military documents.classification presented here is by no means arbitrary. This classification is not proof against criticism. Other schemes may possibly be elaborated and highlighted by different approaches to the problem of functional styles. Thus, for example, some linguists consider that newspaper articles (including feature articles) should be classed under the functional style of newspaper language, not under the language of publicist literature. Others insist on including the language of everyday-life discourse into the system of functional styles .. Budagov singles out only two main functional styles: the language of science and that of emotive literature. [36, 79] analysing concrete texts, we discover that the boundaries between functional styles sometimes becоme less and less discernible. Thus, for instance, the signs of difference are sometimes almost imperceptible, between poetry and emotive prose; between newspaper functional style and publicist functional style; between а popular scientific article and а scientific treatise; between an essay and а scientific article.

The language style of poetry emotive prose drama

Of all the functional styles of language, the most difficult to define is the belles-lettres style . Franz Kafka defines this style as «organized violence done on ordinary speech». Works create their own world. Each is a unique entity. Just as a painter uses paint to create a new image, a writer uses words to create a text. An important thing to recognize about literary works is just how carefully and consciously they are crafted. Words are the raw material of literature and literary writers stretch them to their limits. [37, 94]. Crystal said that the literary language is the art in making the unnatural appear natural. For example, a playwright or novelist may write a dialogue which is naturalistic - i. e. it employs colloquialism, dialect words and so on - but this dialogue is very different from spontaneous speech. It will contain no non-fluency features; it will probably be less repetitious and more dramatic than ordinar...

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