than radio and TV. They present and comment on the issues of public importance. They also shape people s opinions and have great effect on their views.are collections including different articles and stories, fiction and poetry, illustrations, horoscopes, crosswords, etc. They may focus on the events of the current week (weeklies) or month (monthlies), providing a great deal of information in such spheres as culture, religion, science, technology, medicine, economics and business, sports, hobbies, tourism, etc.
Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations.
1) Четверта влада; 2) виконавча, судова, законодавча гілки уряду; 3) значна роль; 4) надавати будь-яку інформацію; 5) бути в ідеальному положенні; 6) періодика, газети; 7) реформатор і незалежний спостерігач; 8) брати участь у справах держави; 9) проза та поезія; 10) ілюстрації і гороскопи; 11) потреби народу; 12) охоплювати широкий діапазон подій; 13) формувати громадську думку і погляди; 14) представляти першорядне значення; 15) відкривати безпрецедентний рівень доступу до інформації; 16) незалежна преса; 17) відповідати новим вимогам; 18) зміцнювати демократію; 19) дискусії в суспільстві; 20) відстоювати головні цінності; 21) включати різні статті й ??оповідання; 22) потреби народу; 23) відкриті дебати; 24) давати коментар і новини; 25) охоплювати широкий діапазон подій; 26) тижневик, щомісячник; 27) події поточного тижня; 28) питання суспільного значення.
Exercise 3.Give a synonym for each of the words.
1) Important, 2) to name, 3) main, 4) to take part, 5) to defend, 6) to concentrate, 7) requirement, 8) influence, 9) different, 10 ) to comprise, 11) control, 12) discussion, 13) to embrace, 14) primary, 15) to mean.4.Answer the following questions.
. How is the press usually called?
. What is its main role?
. The press is often called an important instrument of debates, is not it? Why?
. Must the press be independent or not?
. What values ??should it focus on?
. What does the press denote?
. What are the functions of newspapers?
. And what about periodicals?
. What do they differ in?
. What is their importance?
Exercise 5.Read and translate.
Do you know? are about 500 TV companies, both public and private, over 245 radio stations, 25000 newspapers and magazines, both official and unofficial, and about 250 news agencies in the Russian the latest opinion polls, more than 90% of our country population watch TV as the main source of information; 75% are regular readers of various local and national papers and periodicals; 72% use the Internet; 24% listen to the radio.6.Read and give a summary of the text.are dozens, often hundreds, of various newspapers in every country. As a rule, they include daily and weekly papers, national and local papers, evening and Sunday papers, etc.newspapers are usually divided into two formats: broadsheets (or quality papers) and tabloids (or populars). They differ, first of all, in size, cost and circulation. The populars arc smaller in size, cheaper, but have the largest circulations compared with the quality papers. Besides, both types of newspapers vary in a kind of language and photos they use. They appeal to people with different interests and tastes. And, of course, they approach the news and events in different ways.broadsheets provide their readers with the in-depth information and background reports. They usually deal with the major national and international events and news, with the world of politics and business. They also include arts and sport reviews and advertising blocks. They are addressed to the educated readers.tabloids, basically, try to entertain, amuse or even shock their readers. They have lots of illustrations, various sensational stories about the private life of many famous people, film or pop stars, news reviews, horoscopes, etc.newspapers can not afford to have their own reporters because journalists are very expensive, especially abroad. That s why they get most of their news from various news agencies, that are large organizations, having their reporters all over the world. Every day these agencies collect various information and breaking news from their reporters and sell them to newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations of different countries.present, the world s most known news agencies are: the Reuters (the UK), the Associated Press (the USA), the RIA-NOVOSTI and ITAR TASS (Russia), the EPA (European Press Agency, Germany), the France Press (France) and some others. They...