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Реферат Іноземна мова (англійська мова)

are worldwide, multi-lingual, multimedia news agencies, having thousands of their reporters in all parts of the Globe as well as large staffs, working 24 hours a day.

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations.

1) серйозна газета/газета великого формату; 2) газета малого формату/бульварна газета; 3) головні міжнародні події; 4) огляд новин; 5) висвітлювати події по-різному; 6) світ політики/бізнесу/реклами; 7) відрізнятися за розміром і ціною; 8) величезний тираж; 9) спортивне огляд; 10) забезпечувати своїх читачів детальною інформацією; 11) люди різних смаків та інтересів; 12) використовувати різний стиль (мова); 13) звертатися до освіченої читачеві; 14) призначати для широкої публіки; 15) розважати і забавляти людей; 16) розповіді про особисте життя відомих людей; 17) включати фото, гороскопи, кросворди і безліч ілюстрацій; 18) шокувати читачів сенсаційними історіями; 19) займатися рекламою; 20) збирати і продавати різну інформацію; 21) великі радіостанції та телекомпанії; 22) дозволяти собі великий штат службовців; 23) великі агентства новин/многомедійние і багатомовні агентства; 24) гарячі новини.

Exercise3.Agree or disagree with the following statements; add some more information.

1.There are lots of various newspapers and magazines in the world.

. Today's press means radio and television.

. As a rule, all newspapers are issued in two formats.

. Populars are cheaper compared to quality papers.

. Broadsheets are more popular than tabloids.

. They try to amuse and shock their readers.

. Almost all tabloids contain sensational news and stories about various film and pop stars, horoscopes and games.

. Their circulations approach several million copies.

. Both quality papers and populars use the same language and photos.

. However, broadsheets are basically addressed to people, who can not read at all.

. Tabloids do not entertain the public.

. Most papers can afford to have their own reporters because they are very cheap.

. That's why they never buy any breaking news from large news agencies.4.Answer the following questions.

. What does the today's press consist of?

. What format are most newspapers issued in?

. Characterize a broadsheet.

. And what can you say about" a tabloid?

. Do quality papers and tabloids have anything in common?

. What is the difference between them?

. Where do most newspapers get breaking news?

. What are the world's largest news agency?

. What do you know about them?

. What Russian broadsheets and tabloids do you know?

. Which of them are the most popular ones?

. And where do they get information, in your opinion? exercises1.Transform into the plural: is a table in the room. There are tables in the room.

. There is a chair near the table. 2. There is a vase on the window sill. 3. There is a book in the bookcase. 4. There is an armchair in front of the TV set. 5. There is a pencil under the table. 6. There is a cup in the cupboard. 7. There is a fork among the spoons. 8. There is a bench near the blackboard. 9. There is a bottle in the cupboard. 10. There is a jug on the table.2.Transform into the singular: are plates on the table.is a plate on the table.

. There are taps above the sink. 2. There are forks on the plate. 3. There are pans in the cupboard. 4. There are knives in the table. 5. There are beds in the room. 6. There are shelves on the wall. 7. There are rugs on the floor. 8. There are spoons among the knives. 9. There are lamps on the ceiling. 10. There are desks in the room.3.Open the brackets: (to be) a book on the table. There is a book on the table. (To be) books on the table. There are books on the table.

. There (to be) books on the shelf. 2. There (to be) flowers in the vase. 3. There (to be) a magazine under the table. 4. There (to be) a fridge between the stove and the sink. 5. There (to be) chairs near the window. 6. There (to be) chairs around the table. 7. There (to be) a lamp above the table. 8. There (to be) some words in the sentence. 9. There (to be) some syllables in the word. 10. There (to be) some children in the room.4.Translate into English: столі - КНІГАHa столі - КНІГІ.is a book on the ...

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