ColumnWidth = 12
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Час пізнього початку"
With ActiveCell.Characters (Start: = 1, Length: = 21). Font
. name = "Arial Cyr "
. FontStyle = "звичайний"
. Size = 14
. Strikethrough = False
. Superscript = False
. Subscript = False
. OutlineFont = False
. Shadow = False
. Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
. ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Range ("G1"). Select
Columns ("F: F"). ColumnWidth = 12
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Час пізнього кінця"
With ActiveCell.Characters (Start: = 1, Length: = 20). Font
. name = "Arial Cyr "
. FontStyle = "звичайний"
. Size = 14
. Strikethrough = False
. Superscript = False
. Subscript = False
. OutlineFont = False
. Shadow = False
. Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
. ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Range ("H1"). Select
Columns ("G: G"). ColumnWidth = 12
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Повний резерв"
With ActiveCell.Characters (Start: = 1, Length: = 13). Font
. name = "Arial Cyr "
. FontStyle = "звичайний"
. Size = 14
. Strikethrough = False
. Superscript = False
. Subscript = False
. OutlineFont = False
. Shadow = False
. Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
. ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Range ("I1"). Select
Columns ("H: H"). ColumnWidth = 11
Range ("A2"). Select
Rows ("1:1"). RowHeight = 55.5
End Sub
Модуль Solve (побудова таблиці початкових даних, знаходження критичного шляху і супутніх даних, виділення комірки, містить невірну інформацію)
Public i As Integer
Public j As Integer
Public check As Boolean
Public edin As Integer
Public hlp As Boolean
Public st1 As String
Public st2 As String
Public stroka1 As String
Public stroka2 As String
Public scount As Integer
Public snum As Integer
Public n As Integer
'Модуль побудови таблиці
Sub InsData ()
h = n
If h> 26 Then
a = h 26
If h Mod 26 = 0 Then
stroka1 = Mid (st1, a - 1, 1)
stroka1 = Mid (st1, a, 1)
End If
b = a * 26
c = h - b
If c = 0 Then c = c + 26
stroka2 = Mid (st1, c, 1)
st2 = stroka1 + stroka2
st2 = Mid (st1, h + 1, 1)
End If
If h = 26 Then
st2 = Mid (st1, 26, 1)
End If
Range ("A1:" + Trim (st2) + Trim (Str (n + 1))). Select
With Selection.Font
. name = "Arial Cyr "
. Size = 14
. Strikethrough = False
. Supe...