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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Особливості неологізмів в сучасній англійській мові та переклад їх на російську мову

Реферат Особливості неологізмів в сучасній англійській мові та переклад їх на російську мову

be bound together into book or newspaper form. Using wireless technology, content could be downloaded instantly onto the electronic pages. (Alec Klein, E Ink writes its future on e-paper, The Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2000) textile - a textile that has electronic circuitry woven into the fabric; eg: Jones 'and Martin's eTextile , which is being developed with the University of Southern California, is a prototype of a new breed of fabric that is woven not only for looks, but for computing power ... (Katie Hafner, Will That Be Cash or Cell Phone? , The New York Times, March 2, 2000) commerce - the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet; eg: E-commerce , as it's known among those in the know, involves completing transactions on the Web; displaying detailed information on products and services; processing orders and credit-card purchases; and delivering confirmation and follow-up service. (Art Harrison & Janet Gellici, Net firm hopes to zoom into 'e-commerce' zone, The Denver Post, November 18, 1996) commerce - mobile commerce: the processing of payments through a cell phone or handheld organizer; eg: Vending machines are a favorite example among those peddling the m-commerce concept. Rather than stand in front of a soda machine fishing for a dollar bill that is neither too faded nor too wrinkled, you may someday simply dial the phone number posted on the machine. (Katie Hafner, Will That Be Cash or Cell Phone? , The New York Times, March 2, 2000) commerce - television commerce; the convergence of e-commerce technologies and interactive television; eg: This year, we will see the arrival of T-commerce - or television commerce. Merge the ease of use of the television with the immediacy and e-commerce capabilities of the personal computer and that's what you get. (Niall McKay, T-commerce targets television viewers for future profits , The Irish Times, January 7, 2000) commerce - voice -commerce; automated transactions conducted via computer or telephone using voice commands; eg: Basically, any service on the web today can be speech-enabled ... E-commerce is also a hot area, only they're calling it voice-commerce , or v-commerce. (Geoff Long, So you thought you'd heard everything? You could soon be listening to the web, The Bangkok Post, April 26, 2000) неологізм англійська ро...

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