Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Методика розробки програмного продукту для пошуку причин у змінах трендів в даних

Реферат Методика розробки програмного продукту для пошуку причин у змінах трендів в даних


{= type.GetProperties ();= raquo ;; (PropertyInfo property in properties)

{value=property.GetValue (hypothesis)!=null

? property.GetValue (hypothesis) .ToString ()

: string.Empty;// Or whatever you want the default text to be +=value + delimiter;

}=new System.IO.StreamWriter (resultsFile, true) ;. WriteLine (line) ;. Close ();

} hypothesisQuery2=from hypothesis in

dbContext.SpikeFactsHypothesishypothesis;=CurParam.folderForMLFiles + SpikeFacts_ +

CurParam.fileLoggerposeDateString (mode: 0) + .csv raquo ;;=typeof (SpikeFactsHypothesi);=type.GetProperties ();= raquo ;; (PropertyInfo property in properties)

{+=property.Name + delimiter;

}=new System.IO.StreamWriter (resultsFile, true) ;. WriteLine (line) ;. Close (); (var hypothesis in hypothesisQuery2)

{= type.GetProperties ();= raquo ;; (PropertyInfo property in properties)

{value=property.GetValue (hypothesis)!=null

? property.GetValue (hypothesis) .ToString ()

: string.Empty;// Or whatever you want the default text to be +=value + delimiter;

}=new System.IO.StreamWriter (resultsFile, true) ;. WriteLine (line) ;. Close ();

}. fileLogger.writeToLog ("Fact mining have completed. n Start

time:" + startDate.ToString () +

n Finish time: + System.DateTime.Now.ToString () +

n Total runtime of Fact Miner: + (System.DateTime.Now -) .TotalSeconds.ToString ());

} void analyzePriceField (FactEventAnalysisDBDataContext DbContext,

FactEventAnalyzer.SecuritiesSource CurSec, Parameters curParam)

{PriceQuery=from price in DbContext.PricesSourcesprice.SecId.Equals (CurSec.SecId) amp; amp; price.DateTick gt;=

curParam.DateFrom amp; amp; price.DateTick lt;=curParam.DateToprice.DateTickprice; isFirst=true; previousPrice=new FactEventAnalyzer.PricesSource (); startPrice=new FactEventAnalyzer.PricesSource (); lastPrice=new FactEventAnalyzer.PricesSource (); isSkip=false; isSecond=false ; skipNum=0; curChange=ChangeType.Unchanged; (FactEventAnalyzer.PricesSource curPrice in PriceQuery)

{= curPrice; (isFirst == true)

{= curPrice;=false;=true;


{(isSecond == true)

{= determineChangeType (prevPrice: startPrice.Price, curPrice:

curPrice.Price, changeThreshold: curParam.ChangeThreshold);=curPrice;=false;


{(isSkip == false)

{(determineChangeType (prevPrice: previousPrice.Price, curPrice:

curPrice.Price, changeThreshold: curParam.ChangeThreshold)!=


{= true;


{= curPrice;



{(skipNum lt; (curParam.minerDateThreshold - 1))



{= 0;=false; (determineChangeType (prevPrice: previousPrice.Price, curPrice:

curPrice.Price, changeThreshold: curParam.ChangeThreshold)!=


{(curChange, dateStart: startPrice.DateTick, dateEnd:

previousPrice.DateTick, secId: CurSec.SecId, fieldType: FieldType.Price);=determineChangeType (prevPrice: previousPrice.Price,

curPrice: curPrice.Price, changeThreshold: curParam.ChangeThreshold);=previousPrice;=curPrice;


{= curPrice;






} (isSkip == true)

{(changeType: curChange, dateStart: startPrice.DateTick,

dateEnd: previousPrice.DateTick, secId: CurSec.SecId, fieldType: .Price); (changeType:

determineChangeType (previousPrice.Price, curPrice: lastPrice.Price,

changeThreshold: curParam.ChangeThreshold), dateStart:

previousPrice.DateTick, dateEnd: lastPrice.DateTick, secId: CurSec.SecId,

fieldType: FieldType.Price);



{(changeType: curChange...

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