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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Non-price Competition

Реферат Non-price Competition

Tallinn University of Technology

School of Economics and Business Administrationof Finance and Economicsof Economic Theory

price Competition

Petrov Nikita

Supervisor: Tatjana Polajeva

Tallinn 2014

Table of Contents

non price competition advertising


. The essence of non-price competition

.1 Methods of non-price competition

.2 Forms of manifestation of non-price competition

. Non-price competition on the example of «exclusive» company in Saint Petersburg

.1 ISO9000 Certification



Relevance of the chosen problem is that the market through three mechanisms - competition, supply and demand, pricing - leads the economic system in motion and gives it incentives for further development. Market forces of economic entities to engage in a competitive relationship and constantly supports competition between them. Action market mechanism stimulates entrepreneurs continuously develop new products.market pricing mechanism continuously provides business information on changes in the market, the emergence of new conditions, etc. It affects all market participants, forcing weak entrepreneurs and rewarding the strongest using various methods of competition. Competition is effective mechanisms for competition in the market. It acts as a coercive power, forcing entrepreneurs to fight for an increase in return on capital by seeking new forms and methods of production, use of new technologies, new ways of organizing, managing the provision of new services. The purpose of the study - to explore the essence of non-price competition.effective and more modern form of competition is to fight for the quality of goods offered in the market. Placing on the market of higher quality products or new use-value complicates the response by the competitor, because « shaping » the quality goes a long cycle, starting with the accumulation of economic, scientific and technical information. As an example, the fact that the well-known Japanese company «SONY» VCR has been developing simultaneously with 10 competing destinations.role of pre-and after-sales service plays for the buyer, because manufacturers need a permanent presence in the area of ??customer service. Pre-delivery service includes meet the demands of the terms of delivery: reduced regularity, regular deliveries. After-sales service, the creation of various service centers for the product purchased, including the provision of spare parts, repairs, etc.to the great influence on the public media, press advertising is the most important method of competitive struggle, because through advertising can be a certain way to form an opinion of consumers about a particular product both for the better and for the worsethe main advantage of non-price competition - this is the minimum cost spent to improve product quality and to create high-quality advertising company requires fewer resources than maintaining exhausting « price war »aim of the course work was to study the methods of non-price competition...

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