adopted on itself by (with) intermediator firm. The sum stipulated by the contract, signed with it (him), the bureau receives only after you will work on the workplace, offered to you, not less than six in В«the transitive periodВ». If you were already arranged on work, and the nearest salary will be only in one month, it is possible to address behind the help to federal agency on work behind the interest-free credit at a rate of up to 1000. It is possible to return the credit by parts on 100 per one month after reception of the first salary. Besides, the loan up to 260 for purchase of working clothes and tools is at moving. The unemployeds and to what the dismissal threatens, can take advantage of the help of agency on work for moving on a new residence connected to the subsequent employment. The law stipulates the following payments: at moving for the introduction into a post at a rate of up to 300; within first six months after the conclusion of the labour contract of the charges on everyday travel from houses up to a workplace at the rate of 30 cents for kilometer in one party; per the first 6 months of the second apartment (up to 260 per one month) if necessary to conduct a double facilities (economy); of transportation of property from a former place of residing in new, but not later than two years the ambassador of a beginning of work on a new help by the elderly unemployed. The addressees of the grant (manual) ALG I are more senior fifty than years at employment on underpaid work can during two years receive surcharge from agency on work. The size of surcharge makes per the first year of work 50% from a difference between last net - salary and new salary and 30% - per the second year. The surcharge in pension fund is in addition stipulated with the purpose of increase of the future pension payments. The application on payment should be submitted before signing the new labour agreement. br/>
The literature
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