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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi

Реферат Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron's "The Prisoner of Chillon" and "Sonnet on Chillon", and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs'kyi, V. Mysyk, M. Kabaliuk and V. Zhukovs'kyi

lexical level or combining lexis with syntactic means. In the last case, however, as it is clear from the P. Hrabovs `kyi` s translation, it is easy to overdo with emphasis; thus the two lines sound more tragically and desperate versus the stoic and calm sorrow of the G. Byron `s verse.more interesting problem to study is the rendering of number of abstract and non-abstract nouns:

Its massy waters meet and flow [32: 357, VI, 3] follow'd there the deer and wolf [32: 357, V, 13] double dungeon wall and wave [32: 357, VI, 7] heard the torrents leap and gush [32: 365, XIII, 6] by it there were waters flowing [32: 365, XIII, 17] spiders I had friendship made [32: 366, XVI, 16] seen the mice by moonlight play [32: 366, XVI, 18]

Let `s compare these examples with the lines in the translation of V. Zhukovs `kyi, P. Hrabovs `kyi and M. Kabaliuk correspondently:

І вод його з усіх сторін [26: 319, VI, 2] Бурхліві Хвилі досяглі б [27: 228, VI, 4] Водою Леману Шільйон [29: 17, VI, 1] гонителів вепрів і вовків [26: 319, V, 12] За вовком, Сарни Слідом [27: 227, V, 13] Там, де лиш ходити дикий звір [29: 16, V, 14] У нього біющі хвиля [26: 319, VI, 10] Стіна та хвиля - мов труна, [27: 228, VI, 7] Подвійна - Хвилі и стіна [29: 17, VI, 7] І чути було мені шум Струмків [26: 333, XIII, 8] Струмці вігукують, рвучі [27: 234, XIII, 9] Потоки прокладають шлях [29: 18, XIII, 7] І води були там живей [26: 333, XIII, 23] Один одним посеред ХВИЛЮ. [27: 234, XIII, 18] Повз нього Теплі води йшлі [29: 18, XIII, 19] Павук темничний наді мною [26: 335, XVI, 17] Де БУВ я іншому павука [27: 235, XVI, 16] Я з Павуків подружитися [29: 18, XVI, 19] За жвавою мишею при місяці [26: 333, XVI, 19] На мішеняток позірав [27: 235, XVI, 17] Спостерігаті гру Мишком [29: 18, XVI, 21 ] , in The Prisoner of Chillon this factor generally does not play an important role and therefore does not have any impact on the style. However, it is absolutely different when the object in question is used for comparison or as a symbol. In such case, both gender and number become very important, and are better left intact:

To see such a bird in such a nest [32: 356, IV, 10] he, the favorite and the flower [32: 359, VIII, 1] was the carol of a bird [32 : 361, X, 2] bird was perch'd, as fond and tame [32: 362, X, 16] lovely bird, with azure wings [32: 362, X, 18] bird! I could not wish for thine! [32: 32, X, 32]

again, let us refer to the translations:

При мені був повинен милий колір [26: 319, IV, 11] Росла ця пташка молода? [27: 227, IV, 12] Що птах такий в такім гнізді? .. [29: 16, IV, 10] Але він - наш милий, кращий колір [26: 323, VIII, 1] А тієї ... кохання наше, цвіт [27: 229, VIII, 1] Та й Він - сім `ї найк...

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