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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » The formation of absolutism in Russian state

Реферат The formation of absolutism in Russian state

span> ne dolzhen; no silu i vlast imyeet svoi Gosudarstva i zemli, yako Hristianskii gosudar po svoyei vole i blagomneniyu upravlyat ., in Russia at the end of XVII - beginning of XVIIIth century absolutism had formed as the state form of the dictatorship of the feudal class. By the class nature he expressed primarily the interests of the nobility and the emerging merchant class. And for the peasantry and urban lowers it had meant rising the exploitation.


feature of the social structure in the period of formation absolutism was the trends of legal regulation of the position of each class. Society at that time was divided into four classes:

) the nobility,

) the clergy,

) townsmen,

) the peasantry.


legal status of nobility was enshrined in legislation. The Law Code 1649 known as the Ulozhenie and The Decree on Primogeniture (March 23, 1714) was virtually equalized the legal status of manors and ancestral lands under the general term "real thing", with right of inheritance. According with these documents noblemen had a monopoly on land ownership. the decree of the poll census of 26 January 1718 was enshrined in law the position of the nobility as an exempt class, unlike other classes.role in strengthening the aristocratic dictatorship played The Table of Ranks of January 24, 1722 .

The Table of Ranks recognized three fundamental types of service: military <# "justify"> Under Peter I by his decree nobles began service with the rank of the soldier, and served for life, and from 1730 - 25 years beginning from 20 years.


I and IIHigh Excellency (Vashe vysokoprevoskhoditelstvo) III and IVExcellency (Vashe prevoskhoditelstvo) VHighly Born (Vashe vysokorodie) VI, VII and VIIIRight Highly Born (Vashe vysokoblagorodie) XI, X, XI, XII, XIII and XIVWellborn (Vashe blagorodie) to the manifesto of Peter III "Manifesto Freeing Nobles from Obligatory Service" in 1762 the nobles were exempted from compulsory military and civil service.decree of 1760 nobles were entitled to banishing of guilty peasants to Siberia, and from 1765 - to hard labor.most important act was adopted by Catherine II, which recognized the privileges of the nobility, was "The letters patent to the nobility" in 1785.to this charter the nobles:

exempt from the binding service;

acquired in the ownership bowels of their land;

- had the right to trade and to be owner of factories;

exempted from taxes, and corporal punishment;

got the right to establish Class meetings in each province. Nobles had a number of personal advantages. Noble rank could be transferred to the wife and children (and husband had a right to transmit nobility to his wife but the wife to her husband - couldn t). The nobles had the right to enlisting to other countries. The noble court was created (an elected judicial authority). The nobles had family coat of arms, they compiled an ancestral noble books.

The nobles were divided into the following categories:

real noblemen who have descended from royalty;

- military aristocracy;

eightclasses nobility;

foreign nobility;

titular nobility (the princes, counts, barons);

ancient nobles (with a genealogy of over 100 years). However, the nobleman could be deprived of noble titles in the following cases: the violation of the oath;

the treason;

commiting robbery, burglary, crimes for which deprived the honor or corporal punishment, as well as incitement to commit a crime;

committing other deceitful acts.

The clergy in Russia for a long time remained a closed estate. However, at the end of the beginning of the XVII-XVIII centurie...

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