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Реферат Speeches workers Grodno province in 1905-1907 and the emergence of trade unionism

the XIX-XX centuries, various social welfare and professional societies. For example, Bialystok professional society welfare craft workers emerged in the late XIX century and numbered in its ranks about 300 people [5, l.225]. These societies not only have provided material assistance to the sick and temporarily not working members of society, but also put forward requirements on employers to improve working conditions, higher wages. p> The autumn for the next wave of revolutionary upsurge, in Belarus and Grodno province did the first mass labor organizations, who have organized the workers. One of the first in the Grodno region, in October 1905 during the October general strike, political organization formed the All-Russia Union Railway Station Vaŭkavysk-central [4, l.37, 129 ob., 8, p.16]. p> The growing revolutionary movement in the country raised the question of armed insurrection. It began in Moscow on December 9, 1905. But in spite of the heroism and tenacity of the workers by 18 December was brutally suppressed. In Belarus, the Bolsheviks failed to organize an armed uprising. But political strikes and demonstrations were held in many Belarusian towns and villages. p> Central Bureau of the All-Russia railway union and trade union committees of 29 railways have announced a December 7, 1905 All-Russia strike. One of the first responded to this call the railway station Vaŭkavysk-Central. It was set up a strike committee, headed by the engineer of Communications, Chief of the 3rd section of service road Polesskii railways, a member of the All-Russia Union of Railwaymen Yu Yu Vishnevsky At many key points of the railway has established local committees and offices. During the events of December, they seized the administrative power in some places the line and made orders in addition to the local railway authorities. Were suspended commercial office, which has not promulgated or shipment. All material values ​​at the station guarded clothes watchmen appointed by the Committee. At some stations Polessian railroad trains were delayed, obstructed the administration of postal goods.

Committees and offices spread among the workers and employees, the public anti-government leaflets, flyers, organizing rallies and strikes to demand from the Public Roads Administration an 8-hour workday, higher wages, have called for the struggle to overthrow the existing social order.

The strike lasted until December 14, 1905. She was crushed by military force. December 20 leadership of the strike committee, as well as active participants in the strike: Mogul'skii, Krushevsky, Tikhonov, Romanovsky, shovels, Sidorsky, Tarchevsky and Shatinsky were arrested and brought to trial [9, s.390-391, 4, l.33, 288]. p> In Grodno, under the leadership of the Vilnius Group RSDLP, the Military Revolutionary Committee, the organization of the General Jewish Labor Union Bund from 12 to 16 December 1905 there was a city-wide political strike. At the same time in the city of 800 miners were on strike, all educational institutions. Strikes, demonstrations were held in Brest-Litovsk, Bialystok, villages Opole, Lyadovichi, youngest Kobrin district and other locations [1, p.34, 9, s.414-416 ,467-469]. p> In the span of the strike movement Grodno region was in the vanguard of Belarusian provinces. Of the 417 plants that were under the supervision of factory inspection, 270 were covered by the strikes, which involved 79.9 per cent of the workers. It was the highest among Belarusian provinces. In 1905, in Grodno province occurred on 30 strikes, 52 demonstrations, 126 rallies and demonstrations [9, s.651; 1, p.30-34]. p> After the defeat of the December armed uprising in Moscow under the pressure of imperial repression revolution receded. But in the last year of a revolutionary strike movement in Grodno region was covered by 28 companies. Grodno April 8 marked strikes workshops Kaufaksa J., E. Stein, G. Velina, bakeries Karlen. April 9 was a strike of workers tailor shop I. Lapidus (7 workers). But the performances are mostly had an economic focus. p> Recent political strikes were held in the Grodno region to celebrate the May 1, 1907 They were organized in Zelve, IЕ­ie, Lida, Smorgon, Grodno. November 24 took strike of workers provincial printing. December 4 supported them working seven private printers. December 9 tobacco factory workers went on strike Shereshevsky (125 people), ironworks Fajngold (30), syrup plant (8 people), a candy factory (30 people), four printers (111 people), "Neman" bookbinding factory (111) 17, sartorius (65), and other strikes were organized to express sympathy to the members of the Social Democratic faction in the State Duma of the 2-nd convocation, on trial [2, p.74]. p> With the retreat of the revolution, the autocracy government intensified repression against workers and their organizations. Until the end of 1908 were defeated, many local organizations the All-Ru...

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