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Реферат USA - Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War

sh, but miss a major. "I want to judge the Russian tsar, said Hale, not only for what he did to Hungary, but also" for what chtb he did long ago, sending poor exiled to Siberian snow ... When we do this, we show that by raising his angry voice against weaker powers, we do so not out of cowardice. "" Resolution Cashier "was not accepted. But in 1880 Congress passed a series of decisions condemning the policy of Alexander III in the Jewish question. In 1880 the US finally established in the Pacific Ocean. In 1886 at the initiative of President Grover Cleveland's Congress held hearings on the subject of future US policy in the Pacific Ocean. At the hearing, it was decided that of all the Pacific countries, only the Russian Empire could potentially threaten US interests. In this regard, the US did not support the Russian-German-French ultimatum to Japan in 1895. In 1899 the US declared policy of "open door", maintaining the territorial integrity of China, primarily - due to containment of Russian advance into Manchuria and Korea. Since 1901 the administration of Theodore Roosevelt provided financial and military-technical assistance to Japan in the preparation of the Russian-Japanese war. In 1900 Russia and the United States played a decisive role in suppressing the Boxer Rebellion in China. Regularly (every ten days) to New York arriving passenger ships, Russian-American Line. In the First World War, Russia and the United States entered the Allies. Turning point for relations between the two countries began in 1917. After the Revolution in Russia, the United States refused to recognize the Soviet government. In 1918-1920 years, American troops took part in a foreign intervention, while supporting the White Army. US has become one of the last states to recognize the Soviet Union. In 1919 the US was deployed against communist and socialist movements - banning the left-wing organization, expelled from the country's dangerous, according to authorities, the person. Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the United States have been set on Nov. 16, 1933. Among other events of this period, important for bilateral relations can note the participation of Americans in the rescue "Chelyuskin in 1934 (two US aircraft mechanics have been awarded the Order of Lenin for that), and Valery Chkalov flight over the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver in 1937. During the Second World War, relations between the US and the USSR were moderately good. The German attack on June 22, 1941 The Soviet Union has caused among the American people a wave of respect and sympathy for the Soviet Union, almost single-handedly resisting fascist aggression. Solution Roosevelt in November 1941 the USSR had been circulated law the Lend-Lease Act, under which the Soviet Union were supplied US military equipment, property and food prices. But the union treaty between the USSR and the US (as between the USSR and the UK) has been signed. USA and the USSR were allies on the basis of an international instrument - the United Nations Declaration of January 1, 1942. Later on June 23, 1942 was signed by the Soviet-American agreement on deliveries of military technologies. United States, referring to the text of the Atlantic Charter of 1941, refused to recognize the Baltics part of the Soviet Union. The US Congress also regularly raised the issue of religious freedoms in the Soviet Union. Agreement between the members of the anti-Hitler coalition, made during and after the war, is to create a bipolar world in which the union leadership in the West opposed the US unit of the socialist countries rallied around the Soviet Union. At the end of World War II the USSR became a powerful superpower whose influence extended from Western Europe to the Pacific Ocean. Establishment of Eastern European states pro-Soviet communist regime led to a sharp deterioration in relations between the USSR and the USA. American leaders sought to prevent the spread of Soviet influence and leftist ideas (aided by the victory of the Soviet Union in the war) further west, in Latin America, Asia and Africa. In the US started the anti-communist hysteria - the so-called "witch hunt". Very soon, the struggle between two ideologies, went beyond diplomatic relations and developed into a global confrontation with the system now and then flashing armed conflicts around the world - the Korean War, Vietnam War, many Arab-Israeli wars, the wars in Latin America , the Middle East and Africa. An important factor in the relations of the Soviet Union and the United States has become an arms race. Since August 1945 the United States considers itself a monopoly on the possession of nuclear weapons and tried to use this trump card against the USSR. But in 1949 the Soviet Union also got atomic, and in 1953 - a thermonuclear weapon, and then - and the means of delivering these weapons to targets on the territory of his potential opponent (ballistic miss...

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