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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » USA - Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War

Реферат USA - Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War

iles). Both countries have invested huge funds in the defense industry, the total nuclear arsenal for decades has grown so much that it would be enough to destroy the entire population of the planet than a dozen times. Already in the early 1960's the United States and the Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear war when the Soviet Union in response to placement in Turkey of US medium-range missiles placed its own nuclear missiles in Cuba that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 . Fortunately, thanks to the political will of John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, military conflict was avoided. But besides the danger of nuclear war, arms race threat carried the US economy and the USSR. Permanent essentially meaningless, the increase in the armed forces threatened the economic collapse on both sides. In this situation, and signed several bilateral agreements that limit the accumulation of nuclear weapons. In the 1970's. conducted negotiations on limiting strategic arms, which resulted in the treaties were signed the SALT-I (1972), which included the ABM Treaty and SALT-II (1979) to limit missile launchers. June 1, 1990 an agreement was signed between the USSR and the USA on the maritime boundary (the Agreement on the lines of the Baker-Shevardnadze) under which the US withdrew part of the exclusive economic zone of the USSR and the area of ​​the continental shelf area of ​​46.3 thousand square kilometers in the open central Bering Sea, as well as territorial waters in a small area in the Bering Strait between the islands Ratmanova (Russia) and Kruzenstern. Acute political, economic, ideological and ethnic crisis in the Soviet Union by the end of 1980, led to the collapse of the state. Many conservative American politicians are inclined to ascribe this regard; the United States win the Cold War. Anyway, the disintegration of the USSR (and preceding the collapse of the socialist system) is considered to be the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new relationship between. br/>

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