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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Smart House - the house of Future

Реферат Smart House - the house of Future

rks are ZigBee and Z-Wave. These networks are referred to the mesh networks. The principle of mesh networks is that the message sent from remote control or control panel have more than one way to get to its destination.Wave uses a Source Routing Algorithm to determine the fastest way for messages. There is a code in each Z-Wave device. When it is plugged into the system, the network controller reads the code, analyzes it, recognizes, determines its location and adds to its network. After the command was sent, controller, with the help of algorithm makes a decision how to send a message. s name says it all for itself. By using this technology the messages are sent on the zigzag path like bees, finding the best way to receiver. ZigBee has one advantage comparing to Z-Wave. If a company wants to built a ZigBee-compatible product, it does not need to pay any licensing fees. ( How Smart Homes Work: Smart Home Software and Technology. )

and smart house systems

systems are divided into two categories. The first category refers to building management systems. BMS are the systems which control building s mechanical and electrical equipment, such as lightening, ventilation, climate control and etc. All the controls are implemented by the central computer. As a rule these systems use centralized control. Usually these systems are used in offices and big industrial firms. BMS as a term is relatively new and its concept was introduced in 1970 . The term really existed since the introduction of complex electronic devices that are capable of collecting data for the purpose of managing services such as power, lighting, heating and etc. Early terms of BMS were BAS (Building Automation System) and EMS (Energy Management System). BMS was something very new, which allowed changing analog signals to digital. By this change signals could be sent to longer distances.BMS, different electromechanical systems were used in controlling building. Usually there were panels with manual switches or lamp indicators. Also alarms were used to help workers finding failures. The progress in signal communication technology allowed the evolution from hard home wires to very fast IP based cable.systems usually include:

В· Power systems (electric power system)

В· Illumination system

В· HVAC system (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning)

В· Security and observation system

В· Magnetic card and access system

В· Fire alarm system.

Generally the systems work in the following way. A lot of sensors are connected to the central system. These sensors collect different information. Some sensors collect the data about the temperature in the house and outside as well. Others gather information about the level of the light in each room. There are even sensors which control the speed of air in the airshaft. After collecting all the data from the detectors, system analyzes them and makes a decision depending on the settings installed by the operator. In its decision it usually decides where to allocate this or other electricity power.the emergency conditions the system automatically stops all the processes in the damaged area. The operator who is looking after the system is immediately informed about the problem, by the special indicator on the screen. System also shows precise location and automatically calls repair force.though these systems are expensive, they compensate all the money paid for them by the economy of the energy and electricity. For example if in winter it is warmer than usually the system automatically changes the temperature in the rooms. Operator also can program the system so, that during the night heating system will be off, and just an hour before all employees come to their work places it warms the rooms up. The use of BMS saves money not only for energy and electricity but also for the hiring a lot of workers. The firm does not need a lot of specialists to control the whole complex. It needs just one operator who will be near the controlling computer to watch over the system.as all other systems BMS has its own disadvantages. It is impossible to add more and more new devices without affecting working speed of the system. The more devices you connect to the central computer, the slower it will work. That s why usually th...

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