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Реферат Smart House - the house of Future

Smart House - the house of Future

Yelena SamarID: 100035178270d Management Information Systems

Individual Assignment

Table of contents

Introductionof developmentand smart house systemsSmart House worksprice of smart houseto the most expensive smart house in the worldHouse-friend of elders # 1 # 2cited page


smart house multiroom elder

Imagine a businessman giving clear instructions over mobile phone on the way to his car. He tells someone to water the grass in front of his house, to make a coffee by 7 pm, to set temperature in the house 20.6 В° С and relative humidity on the level of 70%, to turn on the light in the yard and hall and to prepare immediate information about inbox mail. After 73 seconds he sits in his car and he is sure that by the time he will get home all the directions will be done in details. And this someone, who was assigned to do all these things, is not his wife or housemaid it is central computer in his house. Described situation is not a new fantastic novel by famous writer. It is reality. Sometimes this called smart house or intelligent home . But this is not fully true. Smart house is not just two wires connected together to the motion sensor. It is the conception, which allows us to collaborate a lot of devices into one coordinated organism., What is written above is not the whole capacities of smart house. Currently smart houses are also used in order to help elder people. Some of these houses are built and programmed so that that they just help to elders to find things, and control if they have forgotten to turn off something. Others are used for more valuable purposes. They are using systems which help to prevent deaths from falling, or systems that help to avoid deaths caused by heart attacks. Before looking at these cases, lets explore what the smart house is and how it works.

History of development

idea of ​​creating smart house first appeared in USA. Rich and successful Americans started equipping their houses with electronic devices in 1950th.Buildings first appeared as a complex solution. The base of these buildings was cable structured networks. The system allowed using one cable for several purposes, such as: phone line, computer network, security systems and etc. Later, this system was developed into multiplex system, which allowed transferring different data through one cable at the same time. The speed of the cable system development was so fast that by the end of house building the system became old.of the development in this sphere seemed more than very profitable, organizations spent huge amount of money on this. As a result, the idea of ​​smart house appeared.1978, the first companies who used this idea were X10 USA and Leviton. They developed technology for controlling home appliances by using home wires. In X10 system the role of receivers play devices and appliances, and remote controls or keypads play the role of transmitters. Nowadays, X10 is considered as an old system, because it was created for controlling lighting devices and supported only six commands of charge control. However it was not enough create smart house. In the attempts to find the solution a lot of companies joined into EIA (Electronics Industry Alliance). This group developed CEBus (Consumer Electronic Bus) standard, which was approved in 1992. Now this standard is open, and every company can produce equipment which uses CEBus protocol. The main advantage of CEBus, comparing to X10, is the speed of data exchange, which achieves 10 kbt/sec, not depending on the type of medium.of the first smart houses was built in Japan. It is a house of Ken Sakamura, an associate professor at the Univesity of Tokiyo s department of information science. He called his brainchild TRON (The Real-time Operating system Nucleus). He designed this house as an experimental project. He developed with the time: used new technologies, added new gadgets. The sensors opened the windows when there was a pleasant breeze from the sea, and closed them when there was a storm. If the radio played very loud, system automatically closed the windows, so the sound will not disturb neighbors. These principles nowadays are as a base systems, which exist in every smart house. (Gilmore) wires are not so popular. So more modern systems operate by using radiowaves, wi-fi or cell phone signals. The two most popular and practical radio netwo...

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