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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » About Ireland

Реферат About Ireland

like music very much. The Irish people like an old song about a Dublin girl, Mollie Malone. She sold shellfish in the streets of Dublin, her father and mother did the same thing before her. When she was still young she became ill and died, but her ghost lived after her. The writer of the song doesn't use the word В«loveВ», but he calls her В«sweet Mollie MaloneВ», so probably he loved her. p align="justify"> Because Dublin is near the sea and you can sometimes feel the wind on your face in the middle of the city. But if you want to be warm you can drink coffee in one of the many cafes. Dublin has lots of bridges. Many people know about O'Connell Bridge. It's unusual because it is almost square (47 metres wide and 49 metres across). People know about the Dublin Post Office too. In 1916 there was fighting there between Irishmen and British soldiers. br/>

3. The Irish Language and Literature

Irish have their own language. It comes from their Celtic history. But today nearly all Irish people speak English. p align="justify"> The Irish speak English in their own special way. Foreigners don't easily understand an Irish accent, but it is strong and musical, and many people think that it is very attractive. Many fine writers have come from Ireland. Some, like James Joyce, have helped the world to know Ireland better. This writer was writing at the beginning of 19th century, when Ireland was on the road to independence. James Joyce was the first of ten children. He went to school and college in Dublin, but when he was still a young man he went to live in Paris. For many years of his life he was in Paris, Italy and Switzerland. In his first book he wrote short stories about his time as a boy in Dublin.there are some famous Irish writers like Oscar Wilde and G. B. Shaw who didn't write about Ireland. G. B. Shaw was also born in Dublin and also wrote palys. Shaw was a very witty man, but he was above all a thinker. He wanted to change the things that were wrong in the world. He disliked the things that were false. At one time people thought that Shaw was a second William Shakespeare. Today not many people think that but a lot of people go to see his plays. p align="justify"> Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin. He went to Trinity College and later to Oxford University. Wilde wrote novels and poetry but people remember his plays. Most of his plays are comedies. p align="justify"> 4. The Irish Music

is strong and rich in music. The Irish people love to sing, to dance and to make music of all kinds. The harp has always been a very important musical instrument in Ireland. In the wars between the Irish and the English, it was like a national flag for the Irish. In the seventeenth century it became more than that. One very famous harper was O'Carloan. He was born in Westmeath in about 1670. When O'Carloan was abo...

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