небудь жили. 4. Чим більше автомобілів з'являється на вулицях, тим гірше повітря в містах. p align="justify"> Таблиця 4. p align="justify"> 1. Some specialists expect that a photon can greatly increase the operation of a computer. 2. Any museum in London is of great interest to us. 3. Tsarist Russia didn t give any money for Tsiolkovsky s research. 4. No student of this group was in Great Britain.1. Деякі фахівці очікують, що фотон може дуже збільшити операцію комп'ютера. 2. Будь музей в Лондоні дуже цікавий для нас. 3. Царська Росія не давала грошей для дослідження Ціолковського. 4. Ніякої студент цієї групи не був у Великобританії.
Таблиця 5.
1. The Library of Congress serves not only members of the Congress, but researchers and scientists who use it. 2. We translated many texts, but there is one more text to translate. 3. The dean will send the students to a big plant in summer. 4. Were you at the theater yesterday? 1. Бібліотека Конгресу служить не тільки членам Конгресу, але й дослідникам і вченим, які користуються їй. serves - Present Simple від дієслова to serve. 2. Ми перевели багато текстів, але є ще один текст, щоб перевести. translated - Psat Simple від дієслова to translate. 3. Декан пошле студентів в великий завод влітку. will send - Future Simple від дієслова to send. 4. Ви вчора були в театрі? were you - Past Perfect Continuous.
Таблиця 6. Великобританія
GREAT BRITAIN The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The total area is about 121600 square miles. The largest islands are Great Britain proper (England, Scotland and Wales) and Ireland (Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic). Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel which in its narrowest part is only 33 km wide. Britain has a generally mild and temperate climate. All over the world Britain was notorious for its fogs. The smoke-fogs of the big towns usually in winter time, were exceedingly unpleasant, unhealthy and dangerous to movement, but now the situation is much better. The United Kingdom is a monarchy. The Monarchy is the most ancient secular institution in the United Kingdom. Queen Elisabeth II is a descendant of the Saxon king, Egbert. She acts only on the advice of her ministers. She reigns, but she does not rule. The Crown is the second biggest landowner in Britain. The Queen is the third richest woman in the world. Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in the United Kingdom. It consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. They are constituted on different principles, do different work in different places and meet only on occasions of symbolic significance such as the coronation and the opening of Parliament. English people tend to be rather conservative...