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Реферат Working capital

and economic planning of current assets of the enterprise. To accomplish our goal, try to achieve the following objectives: - Analyze the level of control in enterprises of all available working capital and their performance; - Characterize the functions, tasks and assess the level of current assets; - Define the problem of turnover funds at risk. The research object is planning the implementation of enterprise working capital and their involvement and ways to improve. Subject of research is current assets as one of the components of the enterprise. Thus, working capital are avansuyemu in cash value for the systematic creation and use of production assets and working capital funds in circulation the minimum necessary amount to ensure compliance now available products and timely settlements.the current assets include both tangible and monetary resources from their organization and efficiency of the process depends not only material production but also the financial stability of the enterprise.

1. Theoretical foundations of current assets

.1 Overview of the company's current assets

companies there are ongoing financial costs (cash) funds in the process of carrying out certain economic cycle (pass money, and commodity production stage). In the first stage circuit are used to purchase raw materials and other resources that go with cash in material commodity, form certain inventory, and then entered the second stage - production. At this stage in the production process include workers who get the work done for wages. Then the material and commodity values ​​materialized in the form of finished products.last stage circuit manufactured products are sold and the company has adequate revenue (sum), which not only fully recover the earlier pre-paid expenses, but also provides a profit. Working capital - a set of enterprise funds necessary for the formation of circulation and production of circulating funds and funds of circulation. [5, p .. 150] 's current assets - is one of the main objects of Financial Management submitted in cash and directly connected with the functioning of money and monetary system. My role as an instrument of mutual relations of all kinds sub'yektamyfinansovyh its activities, working capital affect the movement of assets and capital of the enterprise, characterized by the correct size, direction and time. [1, sec. 165] Task as quickly maneuvering current assets, ie the maximum acceleration rate of working capital - one of the current economy in modern industry. "[9, sec. 31] Formation and regulation of certain elements of working capital has its peculiarities.this in mind distinguish current assets in the production and trafficking, and distribute them to a normalized and normalized (Fig. 1.1). [5, p .. 151] Circulating capital, while in motion within its safety pass through three s...

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