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Реферат Advertising in the trade market

the same advertising.role in advertising to sell goods (lines, budget, means of advertising, advertising media, the intensity of advertising, etc.) plays a destination of goods. Some techniques and methods of advertising to be applied to goods of mass consumption (consumer goods), while others - for capital goods. The effectiveness of advertising appeals can be measured by previous testing or testing conducted after the campaign. These studies allow to verify the accuracy of the selected line of conduct, the bar ads and promises of benefits to the buyer., Manufacturers and products differ from each other as people. Therefore it is important to identify myself clear and express favorable and psychological benefits of this or that product in advertising. Creator image ads with the customer is obliged to carry a mini market research. As a result of data collected about the company and its product (in this case, knowledge of commercial details are not needed). Advertising specialist should be able to: define a unique proposal (UTP), vividly expressed in its indicative slogan (slogan marked or appeal), the slogan should involve the maximum number of viewers and listeners; commercial arguments and proposals in the ad must be grouped only in certain social groups, Psychological population. The article shows the comprehensive plan of advertising: set goals; establish liability, the definition of budget development topics; selection of advertising, creating ads, advertising timing analysis of joint actions and directions, definitions of success and failure.goods intended for direct consumption consumers (individuals, families, households). Under the terms of everyday life distinguish durables and short-term use, depending on the behavior and habits of customers - FMCG, pre-selection, as well as special products and tobacco demand.services - these are actions that help create choice, provided services or other beneficial effect is achieved.are divided into services with the lease (or lease rating) products, personal services, which are aimed at maintaining the quality of purchased products in good condition, and more.goods are classified in the following features:, depending on the purpose and usage patterns - the ones used for the use, and those that remain in theweight and natural-real ingredients; second, depending on the value, nature and time use and role in the process - for capital and ancillary equipment, raw materials, semifinished products and parts, materials, etc .. for industrial purposes - a guide service and repair of process equipment, management, advertising, accounting, etc .. the variety of goods and a wide variety of promotional activities distribution channels.features such distribution channels:

Analytical work that is performed to facilitate the exchange of goods between producers and consumers;

promotion (creating incentives for communication and dissemination to the...

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